What I would like to see now is as many as possible in the N.C.A.A. group, named in the enclosed ppopf sheet of a recent column, express themselves on the matters mentioned there : I do not believe the fathers and mothers of this land want their kids exposed to the temptations surrounding © --admittedly surrounding--college clubs that go into The Garden. ) ee I do not know what Harry Carlson is going to say but it So 6. should be good. Harry gets pretty academic in his writings, — put he has a darn good punch if he will throw 1 ty ae oe I wish you could be here for the opening of our Victory League basketball season, Monday Dec. 11. We will have a very fine loop this year with five army instalations-- — eo Buckley and Lowry Fields, Fort Logan, Fitzsimons hospital and _ Fort Warren (Wyoming) plus Ambrose & Co,, boasting Jack = McCracken and Ace Gruenig. This 1Sop plays a mighty fine _ brand of ball--once a week in town and once on post, the latter games free for service men. It is strictly non- profit, civic minded citizens doing the work and anything that is made going into simple awards for the players anda | whale of a nice party at the end, Se ee It does wonders for the game here. We will also have a Junior Victory league this year with not less than 3,000 boys and 1,000 girls playing ina regular schedule--fully uniformed and all that, Your old friend Bill Greim sets this up and his assistant Jack Evans runs it, and turns in a whale of a job. We take some money out of the A.A.Us. to Help. We see eye-toeye on the A.A.U.. | nationally, but for the last three years the Rocky Mountain section has been turning in a great job, spending money to foster sports. 3 a Can you stri@ up some of the "NAMES" within the N.C.A.A.?