November 20, 1944. unnaghog —_ : COP» The Evening Post, Philadelphia 5, Pa. Dear Mr. Puesss : | I will endeavor to giv fulsome information regarding ny imowledge of the gaubling situation in Ned Trish's eirou: cs I am enclosing a letter from Sam Smith, United press sports editor in Kansas City, Mo. Sam, a Wissow'l mam, wrote me for a basketball yarn. I try to accomodate the boys when I oan. On September 22 I dictated a letter rather hastily to give him some amumition. | ae | Mr. Puoss, my primal | in giving Smith this information was + emitted Gale ae oe een eee ee ee considered their duty in preventing a collegiate scandal might or exee] the Black Sox seandal. Certainly I did not desire to take a crack at Ned Irish, nor was I that "lone volee erying in the wilderness" endeavor- ing to purify college athleties by remote control. But rather, I wanted to