nites Wress Associations INCORPORATED '!N NEW YORK ee GENERAL OFFICES NEWS BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Written from KANSAS CITY, MO., BUREAU SEPT, 6 ; 1944 SSuRNAL-Post Stra — 600 CITY BANK BLDG. Dear Phog: It having been quite a spekl since I heard from you and, having an ide&A under my benny which I thought we might be able t6 kick around a bit, I figured it was high time to drop you a line. Here's what I've been wondering about, Phpg: What do you look for in the way of post-war collegiate sports? When all these boys come back, battle-hardened, do ioe believe there may be another so-called "Golden Age"’od sports, he like of which we saw after the last war? _.__And what, in particular, will be the collegiate eee Do you’ look for toughér competition because of older and more mature athletes? And do you believe the. comp’ tition among so-called big time coaches for returning stars would be sharper? You've been in this business quite a spell, Coach, and rt have some good recollections from the last post- war period to substantiate your opinions. And bp might tie this all in, if you think it fits, with your belief that we should have a "Landis" over collegiate sports. What eo r= think of the idea? If it clitks with you, I'd appreciate it A lot if you'd just let ‘er run, I'll put’ it into shape on the basis of what you send along. Trust Eyer y thine is going ver it ou. And also that Quig will be able to do a job out there--although I'm an old "M"=--for Missouri--man myself’ Thanks, Phog, and best regards