I have never charged any college coach with gambling connections in the betting racket. Such action on the part of some might be taken as an effort to becloud the main issue which is the appointment of a national college czar to control gambling rackets and other allied ilis of college athletics, | For instance, I know of two nationally prominent football teams each of whbed had a player sive a asked by professional gamblers to furnish weekly information regarding physical condition, of the players, esprit de corps of the team, and other vital factors,: In return for their information these players were to be paid substantially by the gamblers, This clandestine relationship was discovered and broken up by the respective coaches. | : It is not my intention to play the role of prosecutor, However, the above cases are just two of many in which boys competing in college athletics are being subjected to great temptation under the present set-up. This is the sole reason for my plea to hire a man like Judge Landis who will give to intercollegiate athletics the same high standing that is now enjoyed by professional baseball,