~ae the way of post-war collegiate sports? When all these boys come back, battleehardened, do you believe there may be another so-called golden age of sports, the like of which we saw after the last war? And what, in particular, will be the collegiate experience? Do you look for tougher competition because of older and more mature athletes? And do you believe the competition among so-called big time coaches for returning stars would be sharper? You've been in this business quite a spell, Coach, and probably have some good recollections from the last post-war period to substantiate your opinions. And you might tie this all in, if you think it fits, with your belief that we should have a Landis over collegiate sports.” So you see that there was no desire of mine to present a new motif to get my name in large type. I have said exactly what I think, and I still think something definitely should be done before the war is over. But it will not be done because the sollege presidents and others do not want to stick their necks out as I have done. Regarding the A.A.U., I mentioned them only parenthetically. It was the N.C.A.A. that I was discussing definitely and only threw the A.A.U. in as one that practices deception, but is not important in the picture at Not enough people take the A.A.U. seriously, but many more people do not half realize the dymimite keg that the college teams are sitting on. present. The fact that you have spoken out so plainly stamps you as an individual who knows what is going on and one who is not afraid to say. I think your colum is forcefully stated. FCA:AH Enc. a a vv Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. ~