Ootober 23, 1944. Mr. Byron Pe Boyd, Editor, The Football News, 161 W. Nine Mile Road, Detroit 20, Michigan. Dear Mr, Boyd: Thank you for your letter and for the scopy of The Football News. I found them very interesting and thenk you - for them. : I realize when a coach makes a statement that very few coaches will come to his support. Most of them are afraid to stick their necks out for fear of the chiticism that they may get, and for the criticism they dc get. I am interested in two things: one, that we shall have our college athletics where every coach has an even opportunity of developing his material, and secondly, that we have a olarifisation of a situation that has many nasty aspects. With a osar the like of Kenesaw Mountain Landis it would be a _ wery happy world for coaches to work in except those who depend upon solicitation of athletes rather than developing them, and for them it would be a very unhappy world. Again thanking you for your kindness, I em Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.