ULYSSES FLOYD» RIBLE, A. 1: A- GEORGE B.ALLISON,A.I.A ALLISON 4ND RIBLE ARCHITECTS SIX FIFTY SOUTH GRAND AVENUE LOS ANGELES 14, CALIFORNIA [os og BASKETBALL GAMBLING RIFE, AVERS ALLEN .. LAWRENCE, Kan., Oct. 21. (®)—Dr. Forrest C. (Phog) Allen, Kansas University basketball coach and critic, sees gamblers as the ‘termites who are about to fell the castle of intercollegiate athletics, but denied today that he had said games were thrown in Madison Square Garden. — g — = « “T said there had been two) known cases of college boys throw- ing basketball games in Eastern} tournaments,” Phog_ explained when asked if he had received a telegram from Ned Irish, presi- dent of the Garden, asking for| names of the offending players. - “Pm not striking at Ned Trish ‘or any other promoter,” the lo-)- . quacious ee maintained. “The| “point I’m making is that these/ eae N big time betting boys are going to) 2 Citi zene eLws get to basketball and football 1 : sitieniincatiahis.e! players and ruin so-called ama- teur collegiate sports. “Nothing Irish or any coach or ; promoter can do will stop the gamblers, Only the college presi-|. oe dents can stop it by appointing an ee Zp Rice as baseball has): Judge Landis.’ Allen said that he held Trish in Hollywood, Saturday, Oct. 21, 194 high esteem and that basketball aaa REE aba NENT tournaments held in the Garden fae . Were run on the up and up. ~ “But gambling is rampant in the Garden and every other audito- rium where tourneys are oe Allen added. par aero k eee Mace pte is a Sh Sk tn Si ena