CLASS “A HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY Francis Boyd. Principal Alice Towson Dennis McKee Laura Greene Beulah Marie Geyer Mary Jo Schnell Marcus Hahn Jennie I. Campbell Betty Mitchell Jack Hardin Maybelle Vandeventer District 76, Jewell County MANKATO PUBLIC SCHOOLS N. G. SHEFFER, Superintendent Mankato, Kansas February 23, 1939. Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, director, Department of Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": I am bringing a group of six do game with de paper you are expecting a capacity appreciate it if you would reserve me. I would like to have the best seats regardless of the price. We will Saturday afternoon. With best personal best wishes for 2 victory Saturcay crowd. six tickets MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL ASS'N. SCHOOL BOARD M. W. Hale, Director D. K. Balch, Clerk O. H. Wagner, Treasurer GRADE SCHOOL FACULTY Lydia Groves, Principal Wilma Corzine Lulamae Kershner Avis Merryfield Opal D. Greene Katheryn Irwin LaVerne Topliff Oklahoma Saturday night. I read in the TI would Tor