= ‘ December 17, 1944, LINCOLN SUNDAY JOURNAL AND STAR _ nn Kansas U., the man whom the east delights in dressing him in print as the “Phog Horn,” is % Poe ie chuckling up both sleeves at Mr. ; . Ned Irish, that Gamblers genial guy wholé Grab Off conceived ie ig | doubleheader Clean Sweep jo cctball ideal! at New York’s Madison Square| Garden. ae |° After Phog cut loose with his] ; recent blast of the Garden enter- nm. prise, charging that the activities ‘ of professional gamblers endan- gered the integrity of the court . sport, Promoter Irish gave notice -|that all members of the betting |junta would be barred from the 3 iF Em ee Ne a arena. : . ; UREST thing we know is that] And then it happened—one of Coach Forrest (Phog) Allen of|those coincidences that defy ex- —— a : ,|Planation. Mr. Irish staged his first]: : ' |twin bill of the Garden season.|- New York U., one of the four par-|- ticipating teams, was established|- along Broadway as favorites to| win its game—it was “give” 13 points or “take” 15, and suit your self in choosing your bet. — : | Now for a “Believe It or Not.”} The New York U. boys bagged th victory by a 14-point margin, on|' which basis the gamblers swe aa ‘the board on every bet, ah