And this paragraph also was fol-| oe | George Lacy lowed by a ‘‘Ha, ha, ha. Laughing’ Boy went on to say that if no one else would swear out a warrant there is nothing in the world to prevent the police from signing their names to such papers, | provided, of course, they can waite. | “1 see by the morning paper, too,” Laughing Boy’ continued, “‘that Chief Price says that his officers, ordered two weeks ago to clean out gambling joints in Lexington, have been unable to find anything sub- stantiating Phog Allen’s~ charges. If Chief Price admits he has been unable to find any gambling joints, then a new police chief should be found, because such joints do exist and every man in Lexington—ex- cept, of course, Chief Price and his officers—knows these joints have been operating. Ha, ha, ha.” That Telephone Number Dr. Allen listed the telephone number as 3730. ,That was the number of the betting center in question up through last Friday, be- cause a fellow called the sports editor and asked where Leroy Ed- wards, the former basketball star at the University of Kentucky, went to high school. The sports editor didn’t know, asked for the number and offered to call back as.soon as the information was uncovered. Would the caller leave the num- ber? Sure, 3730! ® Edwards attended Arsenal Tech at Indianapolis. After securing this information we called 3730 at once and furnished the data requested. Today, however, the telephone number 3730 had vanished into thin air. We tried to call it and ended up with a special operator.. She in- formed us in a very delightful voice that this must be the wrong num- ber, that there was no such num- ber listed. She even intimated that no such number ever had existed. But 3730 existed as recently as last Friday, and for months has been used by us to fimd out how many points Kentucky was sup- posed to win over such teams as Georgia Tech, Ohio State, Tennes- see, Temple, and so on. We even used it during the football season to learn the odds on the various Saturday games and particularly on ‘the Bowl games. As a matter of fact, the number still is scrawled on the back of my _ typewriter shield, because it has not been in the: phone book as such and was scribbled down as a safety measure. We got the number originally from the guy who ran the gambling joint, located over the Mayfair bar, located at 224 East Main street. | (Pirates, Phillies, Dodgers), (Red Sox), Bill - Fuchs, Hy Chapple and’ Chuck Munday (from the minors), box- ers Lew Hanbury and Frankie Rubino and Ike Cheroff; 13- award winner at Brooklyn Col- lege ard Columbia...Maybe guys will learn to recondition the cur- rent crop of 4-F athletes . . .Lt. Earl Mitchell, former Indiana U. miler, now is in training with the Marine war dog training company. . .Well, the first thing a runner has to learn is how to take care of his dogs. :