_me perfectly. You get what I mean, and if the office should ever be vacant the nomination should be from the President of the United Statese College presidents are talking adeat what they are going te do for the G. I, Joes and Janese They have had meetings by the score for the rehabili- - tation of returning veterans, but they have not done one thing, these college and university presidents, in rehabilitating collegiate athletics, the thing that comes closer to the college students * life than most “eae else in his college day se If you need any fuetiner elaboration you cancall mee I am putting the ei responsibility where it belongs, and I am not blaming the faculty repres- entativese They are deans and administrators who have a full-time job, and it is just as asinine to expect these men who handle full-time jobs to run one of the most important functions on spare time as it would be for a board of directors of a big corporation to hire some one of the vice presidents to outline the policy for the whole corporation and not pay him anything for it or make much allowance for his time consumed in doing this important job. While they say athletics are a department of a university, it is the only 3 thing in a university where the entire student body will stand en masse time after time singing their alma mater and paying homage to — university. Can you think of anything else like it? The faculty representatives are college professors most of whem do not understand the business or the mechanics of runnihg a great university athletic plant, and yet are making the laws and administering them, and allowing the athletic director to be only a business agent because he neither makes the laws nor enforces them. This director of athletics should be the dean of athletics, and they should give him full responsibility and hold him account- able to the same degree that they give him authority. He and the other athletic directers should be the deans who make these laws and administer them, Then with the full responsibility on their shoulders there should be ‘no question but what ‘they would protect the good name of intercollegiate athletics. It is still the horse-and-buggy-deys in athletics so far as the college presidents are concerned. It is the day before the invasion of the Ruhr. But something is going to happen, mark my wordse And the people who are, or will be at fault, are the ones who close their eyes to this thing that is apparent to everyone. George Marshall, the owner of the Washington Redskins, says the professional teams admit that they pay their players, but the universities and colleges hypocritically deny that they doe I am not against scholarships or dividends openly arrived at and lived up to, but what we are facing today is the fact that some schools pay $45. a month and books; some pay $75. and books; some pay board, room, tuition and books; and on upe The commissioner would stabilize things and this hypocrisy that is practiced now would be dealt with summarily.