Dr, Forrest ©. Allen -2e October 24, 1944. Your allegations based on second or third hand rumors certain- ly place a terrific burden on a youngster who may consider competing in intercollegiate sports. iit has always been my feeling that a boy who competes and is good enough after a strenous training session to make a varsity team...has demonstrated his character pretty well to a coach.) I certain- ly think that any coach would not use a player thet did not have the spirit and desire to win predominant. {Continued allegations regarding tampering with players will certainly cause the public to get the impression that these boys are not the fine upstanding youngsters that you and I know them to bes It has not taken a statement from Lawrence, Kansas or Denver for me to realize the seriousness of gambling on college sports. Every precaution, including the employment of some 30 to 40 uniformed Special Officers in our building, has been taken. New York City authorities from Mayor La Guardia and -Commissioner Valentine on down have discussed this situation with me in the past and have always cooperated by assigning adequate police to events here. Any person arrested for gambling is automatically barred from entering this building. Various other protective measures are taken which I am not at liberty to discuss publicly ~ tut you may rest assured that I have confidence that they are of such a nature that it is extremely unlikely any gambling can emanate from the building here. Very ly yours, RISH Acting President NI :df