- difficulties, because the late morn- oy Chief Price Does Nothing _ About Gaming Accusations | BY HENRY HORNSBY Leader Sports Editor T notice in the morning paper that Police Chief Austin B. Price has’ been unable to find out anything about what Phog Allen of. Kansas de- scribes as the nation’s biggest | college and high school gam-| bling center located here in Lexington, ; Dr, Allen, basketball Bock at the University of Kansas, stated in a telephone conver- sation that the gambling cen- ter was located over the May- fair bar, 224 East Main street, and. that the telephone num- ber was 3730. Apparently _ someone else saw Chief Price’s amusing report on his} ing mail brought a letter from one who signs himself “Laughing Boy.” Laughing Boy says: “I see that Chief. Price is having a lot of dif- ficulty. No one will co-operate with him, poor fellow, He says: ‘But if some of the people who know so much about these gambling joints will swear out warrants, I assure ‘them that the places will be raided.’ Since when,” Laughing Boy asks, “does a policeman have to have a warrant to enter a gambling joint?” ‘And Laughing Boy followed his question with “Ha, ha, ha.’ . . . The writer continued: “The Re- vised Kentucky: Statutes (436.280) states that any bank, table, con- trivance, machine or article uséd for carrying on a game prohibited by KRS 436.230 (dealing with . gambling) ... may be seized by any justice of ‘the peace, sheriff, con- stable or police officer of a city | OR WITHOUT A WAR-| RANT.” | And this paragraph also was fol: lowed by a “Ha, ha, ha. Laughing Boy went on to say that if no one else would swear out} a warrant there is nothing in the world to prevent the police, from signing their names to such papers, provided, of course, they can ‘write. “T see by the morning paper, too,” Laughing Boy continued, “that Chief Price says that his officers, ordered two weeks ago to clean out gambling joints in Lexington, have been unable to find anything sub- stantiating Phog Allen’s charges, If Chief Price admits he has been| unable to find any gambling joints, then a new police chief should be found, because such joints do exist and every man in Lexington—ex- cept, of course, Chief Price and his officers—knows these Joints have been operating. Ha, ha, ha.”