eoeccpwwoe BETAS to | irave someone on the teams giving them the dope, or second best someone on | the college campus. NED Irish, the Garden basketball mag- nate, has made an effort to run the gamblers out of the Garden, but the fact is, if he stamped out gambling he would stamp out a great deal of Garden basket- ball. Not all of those 17,000 people were at the Garden the other night because either St. Francis or Muhlenberg were | dear to their hearts. They were there for the same reason they go to. the horse races—and that ain’t to watch the nags run. Thé hardest comment to answer about such gambling is, “So what??? But-it— is true that gambling makes for a bad smell and dishonesty. Judge Landis did a good job of keeping professional base- ball divorced from the professional bettors and it might be a good idea if the colleges went at the business of wiping the gamblers out of college athletics.