Prem Us.” (Rada. Pune GC be GD wrere him %.. ~ Phog’ Allen’s Charges Of Fixed’ Court Games Proved Baseless—Irish GN. ~ 3 het ons! N. Y. Garden Promoter Declares Coach —— Ils Merely Repeating Allegations Investigated Last Year W YORK, Oct. 23 (UP)—Ned Irish, acting president ison Square Garden, said today that Dr. Forrest C. Allen’s charge of co llege basketball games being ere was “nothing more than a baseless repetition ions which he picked up by way of hearsay.” Fix by Gamblers Trish, replying to charges by the University of Kansas basket- ball coach, that gamblers ar- ranged to “fix” the results of cer- tain games here, said that “there is nothing:new in what Dr. Allen alleges.” “The situation he refers to was investigated thoroughly by local authorities and the newspapers, when the rumor first developed last season,” Irish said. “That investigation proved the rumor was baseless. No player was ever disciplined and no other ac- tion was taken.” “Same Old. Stories” Irish said he personally “would like to let the entire matter drop rather than give Allen a chance jto talk again,” “He has been doing that sort of thing for years now, and the mys- tery to me is that people take him seriously in the light of his previ- ous false prophecies,” Irish said. “However, in this instance, it ‘was a very serious thing for him to do, based strictly on a second- hand story, and in justice to the players he named, I feel moyed ? to say there was nothing to it. Irish confirmed that he had. r:- ceived Allen’s telegram in which he named the players alleged y involved in the “fix.” A Case of Put Up or © Shut Up — By RED SMITH Dr. Phog Allen, who: has made a career out of proving that he would have invented basketball if James Naismith hadn’t thought of it first, is an extraordinarily fortunate man gifted with many talents, rare personal charm and a reverent admiration. for the -|sound of his own voice. Out in Kansas, where school children are taught that Dr. Allen ~ invented the very peach basket that Naismith first tacked up ona pole, editors would as lief go to press with- out the weath- er report as publish an edi- tion lacking an announcement by Dr. Allen that basketball is going to the demnition bow- ; wows. AS a _ Red Smith consequence, cae Dr. Allen’s ordinary fulminations now create almost as much ex- citement among readers aS a forecast that tomorrow -will be mostly cloudy with rising tem- peratures in the afternoon. However, within the last few days the Kansas coach has given tongue to a set of contradictions which eannot be shrugged off without comment. — z He started out by disclosing that im certain sinful circles bets were laid on basketball games. What’s more, he was quoted as declaring he knew of at least two cases in which players in Madi-- son Square Garden games sold out to gamblers last winter. Twenty-four hours later he de- nied making any specific charges involving games in the Garden. Games were run on the up and up there, he said. When he spoke of sellouts, he’d been referring to a certain tournament held in the East. ° Inasmuch as the two major college tournaments conducted in the East last winter were run off in the Garden, this had all the earmarks of a distinction without a difference. However, Dr. Allen was not abashed. _ 2 In a third statement he an- {nounced he had furnished Ned Irish, promoter of the Garden games, with the name of one player influenced by professional gamblers. He did not identify the .|player, the college, the game in question or the gamblers. Instead he hedged, explaining that “it is very difficult to get in| proof.” ~ Oo J