One big reason why there is so much organized gambling at the games is due to the way the seats are ae Years ago one could purchase a pretty good seat, a week before the fame. Now the choice seats a sold in Sanesn sabsuekettons: Last year after season subscriptions were in, a second choice was allowed for part subscription. ' Welts-a great many followers of the gane can not afford to dig up from fifty toa hundred dollars in advance. So a& new crowd has taken over at the Garden. They are @er dress and hat manufacturers and-so-on. what is called in N.Y. the "cloak and suiters". This crowd is "gambling nhs In the summer it's the "tracks"; In winter it's the basketball games. I oes ray eer every day i a man's — cafe. ‘Gus Side of the restummant is peopled by men who are makers of ladies' hand=-bags. It turns your stomach sick to listen to them. Adal they talk of is points on this team or points on that team. The following day after a game to hear them excoriate some boy, for mis sing a foul shot ond thereby causing them to lose a Hohe ‘No talk about the ane points of the game, or no pity for a youngster ead tightened up when the game was on his shoulders. They are @ mean lot, money is their god and I predict they will eventually yaw the game.