October 16, 1945 Mr. Charles Guthrie 400 West Stafford Street. Stafford, Kansas | Dear Mr. Guthrie: I am answering vour good letter of Vetober 12. I am sending you information on my new text, "Better Basketball". The book sells for $4.00 with $.10 for postage. If you will send me a check or money order for $4.20 @niill be gled to autograph it for you and mail it at once. I am sure you will derive much benéfit as I use exactly the same thing in teaching my boys on the varsity squad. : I suggest that you write Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods, 1509 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City 8, Missouri. They have a _ book by Clark Shaguhnessey on the "Modern T#' Formation” for $3.00. They have another by John Da Drogsa which is an excellent book for $3.25. They will send you either one of these if you desire. I would suggest that you write Mr. &, A. Thomas, Executive Secretary, Kansas High School Athletic Association, Federal Reserve Building, Topeka, Kansas, to inquire about a job. He is in touch with most of the openings in Kansas high schools and should be able to give you good service. I am sure that you will be able to secure a position. By the way, Mr. ‘Je C, Harmon, Principal, Argentine High School, 22 Ruby Avenue, Kansas City 3, Kensas, is looking for a coach. I am going down to Argentine Friday and I will recommend him to youe I sugzest that you write to hin. I am glad that you met mé good friend, C/Sp. Hayes. He is a good fellow, I am very fond of him. Sincerely, Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: 1m Ence 2