October 26, 1945 Mr. Jim Grieves | United Press Associations 600 City Bank Building Kansas City 8, Missourd Dear Jim: Thanks for sending me the story on the National Collegtate drive on the gamblers. Gordon Sabine, a Wisconsin University, man, who is on our Kansan staff sent this over to me at my ss! office immediately when it came over the wires and he wanted a statement. The whole doggone story is nothing but a lot of lip serviee without anything having been dwem but talk. I do not want, of course, that statement quoted but it is prima facia evidence that neitizer Dr. “ilbur Smith nor Tug Wilson have done anything but talk. . If Judge Landis, the National Czar of Baseball, had.to fit the gamblers from early morning to late at night to keep them from literally “eating-up" the ball park then what can each institution do when they have done nothing. Wilson said the job was up to each institution. "Cure gambling at the site of the game and you eliminate the risk," he explain-. - ed. "We will just have to keep plugging away, outting them down where we can year by year until the menace is stamped out." Now isn't that something? The gamblers I am te lking about are professional gamblers who are getting more bold because the growth of athletics and crowded attendance is increasing immensely. Where you have high interest and excitement that is where the gamblers thrive. So disgusted was I at the statement of these two men and at the little or nothing that they have done to stamp it out that I will make not statement which he can print. No comment until they actually do something about the A curtailnent of gambling on college campuses and gridiimons : ‘This is the only statement that I care to make to you at this time. Yours very sincerely, ‘ Direotor of Physical Education, Vaysity Basketball Coach FCA:ln