2 nf Ak ie a THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND. PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY JOSEPH B. FLEMING AND AARON COLNON, TRUSTEES Cc. C. GARDNER, ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT A. R. WILSON, TRAVELING PASSENGER AGENT PAUL LEMON, : Si cee isecneee Nae Route or tHe Rockets : K. W. Yi 3 re . CITY posenoik AGENT DES MOINES 9, IOWA Jan, 31 91946 L. K. PERRY, : CITY TICKET AGENT Bile 22- 1003- EG F.C.Allen, Director of Physical Education , University of Kansas , Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr.Allen: 7 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 28th. It is very disturbing to note the service you had over our line . In the first place, our Kansas City office wrote me a letter on January 22 that you were passing through Des Moines , but said nothing in regard to your return trip. A representative of this office was on the platform on your arrival. We did not know who was in charge of the party. He talked to one or two of your men, but, anfortunately, he did not happen to contact you e Nothing was said in regard to the return move and we really knew nothing about it until the following day, the 25th; and the only thing we were able to get at that time returning was three sections. Mr.King exchanged the tickets at the depot, and I hope you did get more space after the train arrived . I am forwarding your letter, together with a copy of this letter, to Mr.P.W.Johnston, General Passenger Agent, Kansas City , who has charge of Lawrence, as well as Kansas City . January 28, 1946 Mre Ce Ce Gardner Assistant General ee Agent Rock Island 608 Equitable Life Assurance Building Des Moines, Iowa Dear Mr. Gardners : I have just talked to Mr. Louis Cote, the ticket agent for Santa Fe here in Lawrence, I registered my disapproval, yes, even ny disgust, at the handling of our Unie versity of Kansas basketball team by the Rock Island people out of Kansas City. ? We ordered our tickets through Mr. Cote and he worked with the Kansas City Rock Island personnel, Over two weeks ago we asked for a pullman ovt of Minneapolis via Des — Moines to Kansas. Mr. Cote called two days before and again a day before our trip, order= _ ing pullman reservations, He was told there were none to be hads We also asked Wr, Cote to have the Rock» Island representative contact us in Des Moines so that if there was any possibility of obtaining pullman reservations at that late date, we wanted to avail ourselves * the opportunity, because we hac some boys who were not well when the trip started. 7 We never saw any representative on either leg of our trip, with the exception | of Wre Os Je King, the clerk in your ticket office at the Des Moines depot. He was the one bright ater of sunshine emenating from a gloomy Rock Island picture. - . But maak: to the original thesis. Shere Cote was told that there were no tickets available for the Kansas team, yet two officials out of Kansas City on Thursday made re= servations for two pullman beds, leaving Des Moines on your Minneapolis train Friday night, or rather Saturday morning, at 1:50 A.M. These men saw me in Ames, Iowa, and told me that they were driving back after the game and that they had canceled their reservations and I perhaps could get those. This was the mission that took me to Mr. King's ticket window, where he did everything possible to aid us. The train was late and did not leave Des Moines until four o'clock in th. morning, which added to our discomfortures. One of our boys, Wendell Clark, was badly injured, having sprained a knee and an ankle very severely. He was unable to walk end had to be carried. We had three men quite ill, Charley Black, — George Gear, and Otto Schnellbacher, With these men fatigued after a hard game and t ravel- ling through sub-zero weather and enduring this long wait with the prospects of not getting a bed, it did not put us in any too good a mood to find that when we got on thetrain there were sections unsold and not even made up. We had to purchase them on the train. Per- haps there are some explanations to this story, and we would like to hear them. The pullman conductor was as pleasant and courteous as Nr. Kings I failed to obtain his mame anc I should have because he was one of the most cooperative employes whom I have met, Very cordially yours, | Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. April 10, 1946 . Captain Harry G. Gray, Air Corps P. O- Box 208 Randolph Field, Texas : . Dear Gordys I am sorry that I have not been able to answer your letter - of the 27th of February sooner. You undoubtedly have some conception of how things have been going around Mount Oread during the tail end of basketball season. That in a small way will give you a general idea of why I have not ‘been able to answer your letter. Nevertheless, may I say that your fine letter was an — to me and os did on, your comments so very much, We finished the season not as we would have liked to,by — lossing to Oklahoma A & M, but I think with a fairly good record and one which Kansas should be proud of, Since we have practically ell of the same team back next year, I am anticipating giving Oklahoma A & M more than they can handle in return. for the double dose that they gave us this year. I was interested in knowing of your plans to start a sporting ‘goods store in Harlingen. I am sure that with your personality and drive such an institution will become a great success. Flease let me know how things work out for you in this lifes : : We are very happy to have Max around for a few days this fall. I was unable to keep track of him and so I am not sure what his final decision was about going to school. I did hear that he might go into business with you in Harlingen. Certainly, we will be happy to have that third Gray in our fold when he is ready, If he comes up to the expectations of his brothers, he will certainly be a great athlete. : Thanks for your fine letter, agit and let me hear from you again in the near future. Sincerely, a ae pS Director of Physical sdueation, FCA sMF : Aa eo ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. HEADQUARTERS AAF Pilot School (Primary, Basic and Pilot Instructors) RANDOLPH FIELD, TEXAS _e@7 February 1946 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Basket Ball Coach University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: I picked up this evenings San Antonio Express anc on turning to the sports page I noticed where you had come through another tough - season with flying colors. Congratulations to you and your great team. I only regret that I never had the pleasure to watch them operate. I have followed this season's play quite closely anc after noticing victory efter victory piling up somehow it gave me a big charge. Yes, it gives an old Jayhawker a great deal of satisfaction and warmth to know thet 1 was once a part of such a great institution and backed up with so much tradition and prestige. : Une doesn't quite realize the prestige and recognition you and your teams enjoy until thet person is quite removed from the immed- iate vicinity of the school. I have heard comments from quite a num- ber of sports followers throurhout Texas and 1 don't believe I ever heard of a coach that was anymore respected nor whose teams more feared. Yes, Doc, you have really created a lasting institution in yourself and for the name "Jayhawkers", May it always be that way. t am still in service and I am presently stationed at Randolph Field as Director of Physical Training. I have been temporarily frosen from separation due to the fact they are unable to replace me. However, I expect to be out before too long. My plans, at present, are to start a Wholesale-Retail Sporting Goods Store in deep south Texas in Harlingen.where I took my first coaching job. It will be some time before equipment will be avail- able. But when it does I will be ready. By the way, I have a kid brother that will be ready for you in about three years. He is 15 years old and the folks write he is 6'4 1/2" tall and weighs 186 pounds. He has been roing great guns on the freshman team and | believe will be a great prospect. I predict he will make a far greater record than | was ever able to attain. Keep your eve on him Doc. Will have to close for this time. Hoping to hear from you again I am, Sincerely, si BARRY G. GRAY Captain, “ir Corps Box 308 Randolph Field, lexas P.S. Ruth sends her regards too. JOHN T. FOUST, PASTOR Cenival Park Christian Church STUDY PHONE 2 -6639 RESIDENCE 2 -3527 TOPEKA, KANSAS ESTABLISHED 1921 MAJOR JOHN L. GRIFFITH, FOUNDER de GA gab FRANK M. RICHARDSON, EDITOR JOHN L. GRIFFITH, PUBLISHER JOURNAL 6858 N. GLENWOOD AVE. CHICAGO 26, ILLINOIS April 3, 1946 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: — Thank you for your letter of March 30, and I can well appreciate how busy you must be. I was just selected for Rotary, and I notice you are a district governor. Tug Wilson is chairman of the new class and Ted Bank is already a member, so we are building up somewhat of an athletic corps in the Chicago Rotary Club. Sincerely yours, John L. Grif Publisher JLG: MA _ THE ONLY NATIONAL PAID CIRCULATION MAGAZINE REACHING COACHES AND ATHLETIC DIRECTORS IN THE HIGH SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES =e March 20, 1946 Mr. Doral Grose 1814 Fifth Avenue Dodge City, Kansas Dear Doral and Mrs. Doral: I feel that you children are a part of my family and although I have forgotten the Mrs," name, I still remember the wonderful time that I spent in your home, I want you to know that I appreciated your loyalty and thoughtfulness in writing me as you did March 16, It is such letters from you people that make you realize how wonderful friends are, Although we did not win, or come near it, it strengthens us in the assurance that friends are cer- tainly warthwhile,. I got a note from the Dodge City Chamber of Commerce asking me to speak out there on the 8th or 15th of April, but since I have Rotary district conference engagements in Kansas City and Oklahoma City on the 7th and 8th and the 14th and 15th, I had to decline, unless that date could be arranged following those dates that I have, With all good wishes, I am _ Sincerely yours, ¥ Director of Physical Education, FCA: MF Varsity Basketball Coach. Maveh 16, 1446 ee oC, Ks. De oat lh eee ; hausas ay De A\\eu: Ns (Susie 6 ave Prtbene te a 6 wit! The Au-~O iJ Ray a es The Obd,. Aaguer , and Then the ation. | ure te fi due tlback,, Ta WI e taut iow wnagke at least 10 loatkiets. le w'\ ( orgie Win, . ve tbo Sable : lhe ce Wir ual Renta un i Falhicg aout that QAUAe. a Auow that 4ouv vous a || veal ire ihe © Oo victor poole 4 o< Pak . Se af oe e Th | i ey Q ku : . Peau Ce ala at see ae : : A664 1 a, 18 ‘ a. it : ) 7 MNbn | esas Vows oe Dar hte | jie 8 oo March 19, 1946 Lt. John H. Glenn Lt. Comdre U.S.N.R. Pensacola, Florida Dear Johns Your telegram, which was greatly appreciated, wns: Bille er squad before the game. Each of the boys appreciated your wire immensely, as I did, but a seven- foot, altitudinous giant is just too much for the ordinary size human being. So long as the stupid Rules Committee permits a ten-foot basket, they will just invite such freekish exhibitions as an ordinary size man trying to play these Alpine Als, I am hoping that you will soon. be out of the service ‘ and back at your old stomping ground. Our boys expressed a fervent wish that you be on the bench with us. ; Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCA: NF Varsity Basketball Coach. 1 , e Ce ~~ CASS OF SERVICE \ \ } E; S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate : DL =Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NLS wihie Bees gram unless its de- ferred characterisin- | ,.- ; LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable | ~~ symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS é N Ship Radiogram ? PRESIDENT pee filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAZ75 NL PD=SF PENSA COLA FLO 16 , DR. F C ALLEN VARSITY BASKETBALL COACH UNIV OF .KANS= ‘831 LOUISIANA AVE MOWAR 16 pM oT 30 BASKETBALL EYES OF THE NATION WILL TURN TOWARD KANSAS~CITY MONDAY NIGHT FOR A RETURN ENGAGEMENT THEY HAVE BEEN REQUESTING BETWEEN TWO GREAT TEAMS LETS INCREASE KANSAS VICTORY PERCENTAGE OVER A AND M PLUS NOT DISAPPOINT ING THE NEW YORK CITY FANS WITH THE OPPORTUNITY OF SEE ING A GENUINE BASKETBALL TEAM BEST WISHES FOR ANOTHER VICTORY OVER COACH IBA= ‘JOHN H GLENN LT COMDR USNR» THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING IT A AND M IBas March 15, 1946 Mre Tom Gilbert Municipal Airport Restaurant Kanses City 6, Missouri Dear Tommy : | I am just as sorry as the dickens but the tickets have long ago been gone. I douldn't deliver a ticket if my life depended upon it. I am returning your check with my deepest regrets. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, | Varsity Basketball Coach. ay RESTAURANT PHONE NORCLAY 4490 OFFICE PHONE NORCLAY 4835 MILLEMAN-GILBERT RESTAURANT Arar Mog: Wanes Cin dy dard See to Setkek OL RESTAURANT PHONE NORCLAY 4490 OFFICE PHONE NORCLAY 4835 MILLEMAN-GILBERT RESTAURANT Qa owt Quy ov sO ae Coe f 24 0u Utd did Cas CALL WR Meet ah He alte Mer Abo Gttrndt oe fot 3 dod knew wd Une to Go to Lepr AA OU “There Is Always Romance at the Airport’ Received WESTERN UNION March 14, 1946 Dr. Allen: / May we have 8 tickets K.U. section for Monday. Answer collect. Murray. Gilkeson KU. *19 Eldorado, Kansas -I sent him a wire to this effect: ‘Dr. Allen out of town, Very sorry no tickets available. be oy Secretary to Dr. Allen i oe \ \ } - Ss | 'E RN. oe ee aoe is a ae DL =Day Letter : elegram or e- : NL=Night Let ram unless its de- { AS :. RgpETotcer erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLI ams L, Ship Radicgram ? The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is oe TIME at point of destination KAZ24 15 2 EXTRASELDORADO KANS 14 928A B46WAR 14 AM ae DR FORREST ALLEN= f. Wa CHa UNIVERSITY OF KANS ‘MAY WE HAVE EIGHT TICKETS KU SECTION FOR MONDAY? ANSWER COLLECT WESTERN UN | ON= ‘MURRAY GILKESON KU 3196 Js. / oS ee THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE February 2, 1946 Mr. Ivan He Grove, Director Health and Recreation Hendrix College Conway, Arkansas . Dear Ivan: Yes, indeed, I do remember you and I am delighted to hear from yous I aypreetate the information regarding Lynn Greeley, who will enroll at Kel. this coming fall, You can rest assured that I will give Lynn every consideration and I will be pleased indeed to have him on my squad. I certainly do not consider this as anything but a friendly message and a helpful one for this young man. I have always felt» that if a man would be kind to any of my sons or my children, that would be the finest service that he could render mee In my work I endeavor tc do that for the other fellow's son. You tell Lynn that I would be very happy to have him write me, even before he comes to the university, so that if there is any service that I may render him, it will be. maenene given, Thank you so muche ER trust that life has been good to you, as I am sure it has. Dre We We Parker, president of the Southeast Missouri state Teachers College at Cape Girardeau, is one of your distinguished alumi. Dre Parker was head of the Department of English at Ware rensburg when I was there as Director of Athletics along from 1915 to 1919, He was a good gentleman and an outstanding educator. I see him occasionally and »% always.link up your college with his personality. I pitched on the summer session team there and he caught for the faculty, so we had a lot of fun. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, - , bee l 7 Director of Physical Education, | FCA:MF Varsity Basketball Coach. HENDRIX COLLEGE Conway, ARKANSAS Jan. 28, 1946 Mr. Forrest Allen Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach: Perhaps you will not recall the writer of this letter, but I was in your a agama at Kansgs University one summer and you were also in my own homeywhen came down AEP, Kansas, to work with the high school team. Regardless of your memory on these two occasions I am informed that a young man, Lynn Greeley, will enroll at your institution this com- ing fall. This boy's home, as I understand it, used to be in Hutcheson, Kansas, but he later came to Little Rock, Arkansas. He is one fine basketball player and really a grand fellow. I was talking with Lynn the other day an d he indicated that he was going to your University and I would like for you to take this as an expression of appreciation for anything you can do for this young mane There is no doubt in my mind that he will mske you a valuable player and at the same time I know that a little information beforehand doesn't hurt a young man who is planning on entering school. I do not want you to construe this as an attempt to pressure you in regard to this young man. As I understand it, he is fully able to pay his entire way through the University. I merely use this as an entrée between the young man and youe Thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, Ret Brose Ivan H. Grove, Director Health and Recreatim RO. Bart Ft Hutchinson, Kansas, January 29, 1946 br. Forrest C. allen, Lawrence , Kansas Dear Doctor allen: Thank you for your letter of the 24th, relative oo George's possible draft status. in view of that situation, it does appear that he'll probably have to go into service before May 15th. If so, I womer if it might be smart to check around to see if there would be any advantage for him to try some form of en- listment, to possibly cut down the time he may be retained in the service. it seems that Congress is planning some moves to try to step up enlistments, and I doubt if the draft law will be emtended beyon@ May 15th. Shouid it appear that George would not be called ‘prior to that time, perhaps he would ~~ be called at all. anyway, we much appreciate your interest in the matter. i1'll try to see another of your basket pall games, and we can discuss the ttatter then. a. 1 ee December 19, 1945 Mr, Paul B. Gross. Athletic Director Fort Hayes Teachers College Haves, Kansas Dear Paul: | : Coach Chalmer Woodard of the Lawrence Memorial igh School phoned me yesterday stating that you desired me to write to you concern~ ing his capability as a football coach. I an very happy to testify to Coach Woodard's high efficiency as a teacher of young men, both on and off the athletic field, Not only is he an excellent class room instructor, but he is a fine gentleman who leads his boys by the power of his personality and the service that he renders them. ile is not the mere accidental type. iis coaching suecess is founded on experience and knowledge. In my opinion, he 1s undoubtedly the bdst hich school coach in this state and I would reach out into several other states without fear of contradiction. ee He took a course last summer under me; namely, Theory and Practice of Athletic Training. I found hin highly intelligent, deep interested, and at all times searching for things that would improve the welfare of his boys, aes 7 | T five seen his teams on the football field and have offioci« _ ated @ number of his gawes. They are not only excellently coached in the fundamentals and rudiments of the geme, but they are gentlemen, both on and off the field. He has sterling character, is a man of family and a | Splendid citizen of his commmity. The school that obtains his servicos will indeed be fortunate, ife develops winners, And he will sontinue to do so irrespective of what type of competition he indulges in because of his indefatigable energy, his fine personality and his sincere interest. I am glad to recommend him without reservation or evasion. Sincerely, Direotor of Physical Education, PCA :HF hie ee Varsity Basketball Coacli. December 14, 1945 Lt. Chester C. Gibbens-0574711 501st Bomb Group. ‘3 AePe0. 182, c/o Postmaster ; : - San Francisco, California Dear Gibby: I do very much appreciate your fine letter written Novenber 12. Please do not think that I have failed - to appreciate the motive that prompted you in writing regarde- ° - ing Lt. Alan 1D. Bllies, 501st Bomb Group, AsPsOe 182, © p f Foutanater, ban Pranci sed, California. Vhen you told me that Lt. Bllies* address was washington Court House, Ohio, I would have known that they played good basketball, because I an acquainted with that environment. Those boys around that area play mighty nice basketball. I had a coaching school in that area in the late 20's or the early 50's. Doubtless his letter will be on the way to Guam when you are headed home. My sone-in=law, Lt. tions, stationed at Guam, is on his way home for discharge, I think I wrote you about him but 1 imagine you did not get a chance to see hin. I am enclosing a carbon copy of the letter that I have written Lt. Ellies. Please be assured that I appreciate your thought= fulness and ae I certainly would be happy to have the boy enroll in the University of Kansas, With all good wishes, I am Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. ae: ope Be * "aie 9 oy aoe alee Oh sige : Aes hic Lome Hom fy ee hHevese ~ pase Was Hp & TO : g © o wa or 2 2 wo Cov? ee gp 22 9 Rk: = Jag eink Sa tt 2 : bee e He Eo heat oe P or hr Alan 2D. E/hve i : 50/5— Bomb EF. a A Po 182, Jo P ine A fe Re pee, (A am cecerng phot 1 on ep lent Coan ae a os captcial, Mfuriual . hed Sb pth Ti wen. Aehe 2 ee, Ca tar, fhe Aaa Cheon moral Ae, bare ot anche oF olf Ad? Mere ob on Ae MAY Comnichng Ale flor Aadarria ~ Ar frmron Ah he ia 2 Pisin.” Gobi. etl a AMG, faglrg ie ee fo me aha