December 18, 1944. lir. Charles Goforth, . Box 135, Winfield, Kansas « Dear Mr. Goforth: Thank you for your note of the 15th, together with Shorty Giltmerts letter, which I appreciated. {I also want | to acknowledge yow Yuletide greetings. li. Quigley has said that he will have a picture of _ the floor taken in a very short while, and we will see that you get a oopy of it. I am enclosing the letters that were written here for your signature, and after you have signed them if you will | send them back we will be glad to see that — are delivered to the proper persons. 2 I em sending you ani copies of my letter to the Hillpard Company. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA AH Varsity Basketball Coach. : Enc.