April 23, 1945. Mr. James F. Bunting, General Secretary, Y.M.C.A. 3 Schenectady, New York. Dear Mr. Bunting: Confirming our sonversation this morning, I am writing you so that you might get what information I have on Mrs. Laura Glidden Gray, at the earliest possible time. I checked with the Alumi Office, as well as the Teachers Placement Bureau, and I am glad to give you the benefit of the information I have been able to obtain. Laura Glidden graduated from the University of Kansas in 1926 with a B. S. in Edueation. She was Honorary R.0.7T.C. Colonel in 1925-26. ‘The boys in the R.0.T.C. each year elected a colonel who was supposed to be the most popular girl on the campus, so far as the R.0.%.C. was concerned. Miss Glidden was also seoretary of her senior olass. At that time the R.0.T.C. organized a Girls' Rifle Team, allowing the girls thé use of the range and the rifles for practice. Miss Glidden made the highest record that was known to have been made by a college girl in the United States when she shot a 97 out of a poss- ble 100. She was a menber of the Jay Janes, which is the women's pep organi- zation here at the University. This is still in existence and it is one of the top honors that a girl may attain here in extracurricular activities. She was also a member of the Y.W.C.A. while in school. Laura Glidden Gray has two daughters, born in 1928 and 1935. She held a number of teaching positions in the Northwest. Until only reaently she was chief receptionist at the Parragut Naval Training Center, with 14 or 15 people working under her. She has two brothers, Horace and John Glidden. I heard from Mrs. Gray on January 9 saying that the reception center was being de-commissioned and she would terminate the 15th of the month. In her letter she states, “I understand there is a shortage of teachers at this time and I am seriously interested in teaching again if I aan find a suitable open- ing. I would prefer to find something in a college or university and Kansas University sounds fine to me." I wrote Mrs. Gray that in our Department of Physical Education there were no openings at present, nor did it look as if there would be one this year. I suggested that she try the National Recreation Association in New York. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, POA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.