Le _ January 9, 1945. lr. W. C. Sutherland, Local E:nployment Service, . Hational Recreation eee 315 Fourth Avenue, New York 19, BY. ‘Dear Mr, Sutherland: T an cory happy to recommend Mrs. Laura Alice Cray for your employment service. Urs. Gray graduated from the University of — in 1926. She was secretary of her senior class, and was also \ Honorary Colonel of the University R.0.T.0. at that time. She was a leader in many extracurricular aotivities and made @ Pine record. \ Since her graduatéon she his done. excellent work in the field of physical education and recreation. She has a splendid personality, and is very competent in her wark. I am happy to recommend her to you. Sincerely yours, Director of a Education, PCA:AH necabeaes Basketball Coach. ;