NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION ‘Founded 1906 AS THE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION OF AMERICS 315 FOURTH AVENUE NEW YORK 10, N. Y. HOWARD BRAUCHER, PRESIDENT ROBERT GARRETT, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD JOHN G. WINANT, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT SUSAN M. LEE, SECRETARY OF THE BOARD MRS. OGDEN L. MILLS, SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT SUSAN M. LEE, THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT GUSTAVUS T. KIRBY, TREASURER Jenuary 5, 1945 Dr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr.Allen Laura Alice Gray has registered with the National Recreation Association for employ= ment servicee Your name has been given as one possessing lmowledge of the applicant's qualifications, character and ability» The types of positions which come to our attention include: Superintendent, the chief officer in charge of a department or division and its personnel; Assistant Superintendent; Supervisor of Programs for Girls and Women; Director of athletics and boys! and men's activities; Director of Community Center (Civilian or Soldier); - Supervisor of Playgrounds; Playground Directors; Supervisor of music, drema, arts and crafts, social recreation and nature; Director of Adult Educations Director of Recreation for Industry; Director of Recreation at Housing Projects. Such positions call for promotion, administrative, organiza« tion and community leadership ability. Statesmanship, good character, initiative, desire to be of service to others, creativeness and ability to work cooperatively with all kinds of people are also important requisites. Your frank and confidential opinion of the applicant in terms of the above qualities and in terms of the applicant's capacity for work will be appreciated. Sincerely yours | RELAbeL We Ce Sutherland Local Employment Service P.S. Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated.