April 21, 1945. f ‘ Mr. E.G. Grannert, Superintendent of Schools, Lyons, Kansas. Dear Eddie: . | s I would suggest that you have a crown of 18 inches from the eenter of the field sloping to the side. If you ere going to have a track around the field I would suggest you have some crushed rock between the track and the football field. That takes care of the drainage better. The sodding, of course, is the best solution to the drainage problem. If you have a good sod field and a crow of 18 inches in the center, sloping to the sidelines on either | side, you will have a field that will drain well. Some think that 18 inshes is too much, but you searcely notice it and it is moh more efficient than a 12 inch crown. : ‘ I trust this gives you the desired information. ag Sincerely yours, & Director of Physical Rducation, FPCAsAH " | Varsity Basketball Coach. x