Mutuel Windows for Convenience Of Patrons Might Help Stadium An entirely disinterested person who has the old- | fashioned idea that basketball should be seen and NOT | heard, was making his escape from the Chicago Stadium last Saturday night. It was 2 minutes and 17 secanda after Great Lakes |. and Notre Dame had begun theit game as a sort of back- drop for a publicly announced demonstration af micro- °|$ phonitis. 4. .-.¢- oe A cab drew up to the Stadium asi discharged a passenger who seemed in a bit of a rush. — The driver watched the passenger dash through the entrance and then engaged the escaping patron: in conver- sation. “How far along is that second game, bud?” he asked, “About 2,000 words,” said the escaping patron, “though I may have: igpeS a hundred here and a on the way out.” ‘Empire’ Reported to Have Robbed Schultz “Who's the favorite?” asked the driver. “Everybody was wonderful, last I heard,” said the es- caping patron. “T hear the ‘empire’ robbed Schultz in the first game,” said the driver. . For one awful instant, the escaping patron shud- dered. Could it be that there were public address sys- _tems OUTSIDE the Stadium, too? : . “Where’d you hear that?” he asked. “The guy who just got out of the cab told me,”/said the driver. “I just finished round-tripping him. He had to get to the Loop after the first game to get a: bet on the second game.’ Evidently Didn’t Know Way Around Stadium “He must be a stranger in the Stadium,” said the es- caping patron, “to have to go that far for a bet. And he’s going to be very mad when somebody tells him.” “Tells him what?” said the driver. ' “There was a kid game going on in there tonight. When he finds that out, and realizes he didn’t have a bet on that, his whole evening will be spoiled.” “Maybe they ought to put mutuel windows in the joint,” said the driver. : “Maybe,” said the escaping patron. “That’s the only artificial restorative they haven't tried. *