Carkio College M. EARLE COLLINS, President Carkio, Missouri DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY R. W. GEORGE, Ph. D. Dec. 8, 1944. Dr. F. G; Allen, Department of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen; ‘ I remember that a few years ago one of our college boys visited you and received some very valuable suggestions concerning a football injury which he had been having trouble with for sometime. May I ask you to express your opinion as to treatment that the doctor is giving my son for a ¢ difficulty which has arisen following a series of knee bruises. As a result of these bruises he has developed a condition of "water on the knee". The doctor drained off quite a quantity of water this morning, bandaged the knee tightly, told him to take the bandage off at night and to put it back on each morning. It had been my understanding that there was danger in draining off this liquid and I am not sure that we have men in our town or neighboring towns that have had enough experience with this sort of thing. If you have had experience and if you have any suggestion that you could offer we would ‘appreciate it very much. Yours very sincerely, se ae