ee CAPITALS a hoe eouiae ao Gee. Po NG aN OPERATED BY EPPLELEY HOTELS ¢€ Oo. December 7, 1938. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen’ We would be’ very glad to receive your reservation, and have the privilege of accommodating your basketball team on January 14th. A. you know, we have quite comfortable quarters here at the Hotel Lincoln, and have always made a special rate to basket- ball teams. Our accommodations are offered on the following schedule: Rates with bath, two men to the room, twin beds, $1.25 per person; rooms without bath, $1.00 per person. Hoping that we may hear favorably from you, we are. Most cordially yours, Hi NCOLN ELW: FP HE. L. Wilbur, Manager eee eee oan is ass Gls ie wipe ce Sree oll ire Da aa RRS pees a eee