of the K U songs and tunes. He said, They were furnished only for Military personnel at the present time, He referred me to Miss Mildred Seaman in the Correspondence Bureau, She was very indefinite in her statements and talked only of the problems coneerned, I know that everyone is busy and it is difficult, but it still seems that something could be done to get some records, It sertainly is a morale builder to listen to the old songs that inspire one. Miss Seaman took my name and said she would write to me when she found out what could be done. As yet I have heard mothing from her and it seems as though she merely got rid of me the best way possible. I won't say this definite, but that was the conclusion I arrived at when I left her office. She could be very honest in her statemant,though, and it being a more complicated task than I realize. But I wish you-would find out wha t can be done. It seems a pity the former Jayhawkers ean't get a few recordings that would mean so much to them while they are so far from home. Mr Wiley would be very cooperative,I know. Capt. Lawrence Berner has his office right next to mine. He is an old Jayhawker and played freshman football and some sophomore ball back at about the time I was a freshman, You might remember him. I know he too would like to hear some of thege records, and we have him over to our apartment once in awhile. So the two of us could enjoy one set of recordd. Also everyonce in a while a student gunner goes thru the school here that is a former K U bog. These boys have a hard life with little to raise their morale. When I run across a former K U boy I have him out to the house for the weekend, It would be great for these boys to be able to listen to their old favorites. - Denzel got home for Christmas I hear. The boy was sent to Topeka prior to going overseas. Since FPopeka is a staging area for the Air Forses, it wont be long now before he is busy with the enemy. Here I've been in the service twice as long as he and I'm still sweating out service in the US. It is swell that the boy could get home, however. The rest of his crew came home with him, Nearly all of them were fpom the East. My sister said that% they had names like the Notre Dame Football eleven. Best of wishes to all of you and may the new year be a prosperous as well as a happy one. Sincerely Gibby d