August 5, 1944 Lieut. J. Hs Gardner, USNR Athletic Director, . Naval Air Primary Training Command, iith and Grand Ave., Kansas City 6, Missouri. -_ Jack: iscsi: as ucih tae tennteitad ha sectonniantiais goal gene with you and other Big Six coaches on Sunday, August th. Just prior to receiving your letter I was in the office i of Mr. EB. ©. uigley, our new Athletid Director, and he asked me to drive mr car over next Saturday morning taking all of our coaches along. ‘The boys are plaming to come back later Saturday night, so it will be impossible for me to stay over as most of these chaps are nen of funilies and they met retwn. However, 1 Ge math poe See eee Me Secttntton, With best wishes, I an ce Hees A Dass fikse desi cai Gidiaer teenie Saks ya Sincerely yours, : Direotor of Physioal Education, FOA:AR Varsity Basketball Coach. A