Address Reply to: Officer-in-Charge, not to ° signer of this letter. NAVAL. AIR PRIMARY TRAINING COMMAND REGIONAL OFFICE REFER TO NO. . BRYANT BUILDING 11TH AND GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY 6, MISSOURI h August 19h Dr. Fe Ce Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: When you come to the Big Six meeting next week, why don't you bring your golf clubs, stay over a day and we will get together for a game on Sunday, August 13. It occurred to me that this would be a good time for the basketball coaches to have a little fun and take care of any unfinished business from the meeting. Understand that George and Louie have already planned to stay over and we would like very much to have you join us, so sharpen up your putter and let me hear from you soon so all necessary arrangements can be made. With best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours, S H. GARDNER, Athletic Director. JHG :ww