April 22, 1944. Mr. Tom Grant, Business Men's Assurance Co., Kansas City, No. Dear Toms I spoke at Southeast High School last Wednesday night and met a most outstending you man, Dwight Friecke. I understand that either his father or mother works for you. The boy is from a broken home, but if there is any finer shap that I have met I do not kmow it. He is a sterling basketball player and will be eighteen soon, end of course will go in the service. But I would be most happy to have him as a student at the University of Kensas some time after the fuss is over. He will . need some financial help in the way of work but we oan provide ยข that for him. I know what difficulties these boys from broken homes have in working out their future beoause they do not have an opportumity to go to the home base for the coumsel that is So nesessary in the formative years. : I thought I would write you and see whether it is the father or the mother there working for you, and to know in general what-type of salary thay are making. It will guide me in help- ing him. It might be possible for me to see the parent, who, I understand, is married again, which makes added difficulty for Dwight. I dislike to take your time in this matter but I would like to have the backgroud so that I could oe ee his problem when the opportunity cones. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA AH Varsity Basketball Coach.