: September 9, 1942. _ Lieut. John 0. Glenn, A-V¥(S)USIR, ‘Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board, Board of Trade Building, 141 West Jackson Blvi., . Chicago, Illinois. Dear Johnny: de: ste tasnn Manas sneiinans soa taal 4 cies shies ok dione arrived previously I had just told Jolm Buescher that I was writing you a letter, and then some individual came in the office and prevent- ea it. But when I opened your letter I thought, "Well, what a coinoid~ encol", end I believe at the very tine you were writing this letter I _ was planing to write you one. | ue sic: tecvny Micali gen el Hed Wie dita Seeking eo ' often ask: about your mother end the Kulls. iat eadalty lak Gi ak see gad aes heii, and if at any time I am in Chicago before you leave this fall I will make it a point to drop in and seo yotle ” ee \ pleasurs. Yes, John Busecher*s 4F olaceification was @ mild surprise, but not a greet one because I had talked to Dr. Canuteson and he told ever been in his whole life. And then he tolda me his lungs were but those petchea are incapsulated Jotm has a chance of living a ripe old age if ful never to expose himself unduly or to work to utter exhaustion with @ poor nutritional set-up. ul g : E @ mimeographed letter (rather mssy because it is one of the left-overs) ‘enh tk & Os a I enclose a schedule and you can still get in on ‘our basketball activities at present. I am also sending you a foot- ball schedule so you can keep up with the progression of things at Kansas. : t certainty will ranenbor you to lire. Allen. With all good itis