& scholarship in the statos and be somobody in the world. We aro striving to help but there are so many such cases heros We arc particularly interested in this boy because he is so intelligent and is such n good citizen in our schoole If only some one out in our country, the U.S.e, sould help with this chellongee Graduates of our school heve gono into government work, business houses ond tochnical firms in Colombia. One man said, "Ilike to have those boys triined in tho Colegio Amer= icanos We heve threc now." We can write this to you beexuse it was you who havo made it possible to cduesto those boyse If you should visit our school you would sec many poorly dresses with faded shirts and patchcd trousers but with bright, black oyes ond gracious mennor. They ore elean beenuse wo cmphasizo cleenliness. Our building is old yot thoy come, wenting to learn. It scomed stronge at first aftor having been an administrator in one< of our fine modern buildings in the states to find « building, porhaps hundrods of yeors old, with old fashioned equipmente Yot, there is something hcro thnt we heve lost in the states, These boys aro so apprecictivoe They look upon their helpors clmost as heroes. Thoy groot us with so much greciuosness and scom satisfied with so little, They want to help, At the beginning of this ndyoar wo wish we could say to the people of the Ue S., “Count your blessings." Evory little child, no matter how poor has blossingse Every child in the UeS. con have an educntion. Every child can find oa place to Sloope Tho UeSe will care for hungry peoples May we tell you of some incidents to mike you say, "Thenk you, Unelo Sam?" In our Inst lotter wo told you of the class distinetions hero os in European sountriese We told you of many childron roaming the streets, without homose They — ent as do dogs, from the garbcogo cans, and sleep on doorstcpsas Tho nights cro quite cool so these little, dirty urchins tocr down the paper signs from tho bill boards ond roli up in them to sleep during the nights Next morning they begin begging agtin. Thoy nevor hve « chance for schooling bocouso all schools arc _ tuition schools. It is also common to-see women with babics a woek old wrappod in - oa showl staggering undcr hoavy sacks of morchcndisos The cost of marriage to tho poor is prohibitive whon performod in the Catholic church or by o pricste Henco, these poor little childron need help. | In case of a dosth horo in Colombie tho easket is taken to tho cometory in a hearso decorated with plumes, providing thore is cnough moncy in the family. Tho coachmen wear tell silk hets, swallow tailed coats, white knee breeches and block lesther boots. The hoarse is drawn by two high~stopping horses. Behind tho hearse follows one sested earringes drawn by horses. These currioges are the samo type found in the UeS. about the time of tho 6ivil Ware These carringes are loaded with the immense wroaths of flowers sont by friends and relatives. If the dead belongs to «a family of wealth the pricst cecomponics the mournors, if poor he has not the time or inclination. The poor carry the easket on o rack. The mourners walk behind to the eemeterye There seoms to be no Christian help for thom in time of nood. the comevery lots are rented. Every throc ye.rs,whon the cemetery bocomes overs crowded, the poor who heve boon unable to poy their rent find the bones of their loved ones have been digged up end piled in one corner,of the cometery, We cculd tell you meny more incidents to show how rich we middle class North Americans are in tho Ue S. | We often feel like pinching oussolves at times to sco if we reslly ore tho Xensoans who ecme here five months ago. Wo fcol very humble. We havo met such o chelienge, such 2 wondorftl chance te do something in en educational weys We are orgenizing & curriculum, starting co~educstion, oduseting tenchers in+service, and minecgraphing helpful icesas ond now motheds for the tcachers in our school. Many conforcnees, much supervision and nev projocts take much time ond work but will p-y dividends, And behind «11 this cduccationel work we know you Prosbyter= dans back home sro rooting for us and giving whct you can to help. You are not only helping with our country's Good Neighbor policy but helping these boys and girls to a bottor wiy of lifo. Isn't it worth while? Wo have h-d some very intorosting roplics to our first letter. If you heve the time to write us ot ony time wo would cppreciste your letter. If there is any specicl phase of our work, the country or the people you would like us to write moro about please indiccto it and wo shell try to comply with your requost. With many good wishes for tho yoor, we remcin, Comrads in service, Arthur & Ula Garrison.