people of our church in the U,8.A. have eentmbduted to a scholar- ship fund for two of our graduated to study for the ministry in the Presbyterian seminary in Puerta Ri¢a. One of these young men . is already in Puerta Rice and the other will leave in August this year. The fund has reached its goal and these boys are now pro- | vided. for for their first two years of study. Alfonso Llaredo who 4s just completing hie first year in Puerta Rica is an orphan boy who is reported to have begged on the strects of Bogotd as a boys One day he came to the school and some member of our Colombian - mission became interested in him anc startec him in the school. He proved to be a bright boy and by working finished. our school and’ became a teacher in the primary depertment. The father of the : Other boy died when he was small. The widowed mother of Luis Quiroga sewed nearly all night many nights in order to make a living for herself and only chilé. Hso,too, worked his way through our school and is now the dependable secretary of the director of the school. He has been active in work among the young people and was sent to Lima, Peru as representative of the Bogota young peopahe in the Lima youne peoples’ conference, last year. Both of these young nen are’vlanning’ return to Colombia to spend their lives among their owh poople. We also have two girls who are studying to be nurses. One of them is now in Santo Domingo and the other will go there soon. These young ladies also expect to serve their people We have received some welcome and interesting letters from different ones in Kansas. From Iola letters have come from: Mrs. C.E. Russell, Miss Viola Dalgarno; from Lawrence: Mrs. Willey, Dr. F.C. Allen(who sent a new game for our school), W.0. Brownlee, Dr. F.O. Russell, Dr. Aszman; from Emporta: Dr. C. Vandervelde, Dean R. N, Miller, Miss Beulah Altman and other Emporia friends; from Caney! Mrs. Pearsall; from Paola: Mrs. Pettit. The last named sent us a ¢opy of the bulletin of the spring mecting of the Neosho Pres~ bytery in Iola. The picture of the Iola church on this bulletin recalledto us the memory of our fourteen years of work in the church and schools of Iola. Ula also received a letter and lovely handerchief from her correspondent in St. Louis, Mo. We are glad to acknowledge the gift of the primary department of the Lawrence church to be used for our new school buildir~ Dean is quite:proud of the fact that his former Sunday school class helped with the school he will attend. We are also glad to hear that some of the members of Kansas churches are more interested in foreien missions because of the personal touch. Make us a visit and we promise to show you things that will stir even more interest. The question has been asked as to what we are doing in our schools to interest young people in our evangelical church. We now have 3 assemblies each week in two of which we have religious train- ing and we also have two classes in religion each week for each student. Our biggest handicap in this training is our boarding and. dormitory department. This old building furnishes no room for such a department. In our proposed new building we hope to have a dor- mitory to accomodate 35 boys and 35 girls presided over by a mis- sionary who likes boys and girls. In this way more can be done than in any other in a school. We have several primary schools in other parts of Colombia to feed boarding pupils into our secondary school The miscionary and his wife in charge of these dormitories will plan the social and spiritual lives of these pupils. We shall be glad to answer other questions you may have and we hope others will write to use Again thanking you for your interesting letters and trusting we may hear from you soon, we are, Sincerely yours, Arthur & Ula Garrison.