February 25, 1943. Myr. Dillon Graham, Sporte Editor, AP Peatures, & Rockefeller Flaza, : Hew York. he pda of Dear Dillon: I just received your favor of the 23rd instant and I asew's you I will be happy to cooperate with you in any scheme that you would like to promote. However, I do believe that we should separate college from professional teams altogether. 4nd here's enother thing, Dillon. ‘The game has changed in so many ways that it is very difficult to select an all-time college basketball all-dmerican team. Years ago one fellow threw all the free Unrows. Also, for a umber of years they had the center jump. With - the rotation of the throw going to the offended player the specialist on free throws has been cut out. Many fellows made all-tine selections on their frees throwing being one of the major attributes of the athlete. Then tho center jumper developed certain jwaping players who were not the greatest shots but were great floor men and controlled the tip-off. . | ‘nother question is how far back would you want to go for your consideration? ¥.C.A.A. basketball started in 1905, or rather the gollege rules permitting the dribble started in 1905, but it was