LIBERTY MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL LAWRENCE, KANSAS Neal M. Wherry, Principal (Capt., AOS; on leave) Ralph e Graber, Acting Principal December 22, 1942. Dr. F.C. Allen Department of Athletics K.U. Dear "Phog't We scored 31 points while Pittsburgh was scoring 45 in our game with them last Friday night. How- ever, one, Clair Gillen, 6' 4", 17 years old, an "A" student, scored exactly as many points as Lawrence did. Arkie Hoffman, coach, stated that this Gillen boy wants to study medicine and has his eye on K.U. _ Coulder, forward on the same team, also is rated as an excellent basketball man. Since it was impossible for you to attend the game, I just thought you might appreciate this information. Sincerely yours, Che RalpW E. Graber 16971-mle i