January 29, 1945. Mra. Alice K. Griffith, The Athletic Journal, 6858 Glenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Dear Mre. Griffith: I an leaving this morning for Kensas City where wo play tonight and Saturdey night. I will return Sunday and will write the article for you the first of next weeke Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsAi Varsity Basketball Coach. JOHN L. L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. January 25, 1943 Dr. F. C, Allen Director of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thanks for your willingness to write the article. As to length, I'l] leave that up to you. I would say, just as long as you want to make it. It seems to me since so many of the high school coaches are in the service, that instructors of academic subjects must be taking over. In that case, offense and plenty of it will be most acceptable. The Rice coach, Byron Brannon, is in the navy, so I'm not sure I will get his article, but am hoping to get the others, whose teams were top-notch teams. As to the deadline, I dislike setting one when I'm so late with the request, but would appreciate it this week, if possible, as I have an artist working part time and he can make the sketches the latter part of this week. Again, many thanks. Yours very truly, J f7 J UY J f, af Lilie Vi fhe Alice K. Griffith /// AKG: MA Degerber ig, 1942. Mr. Ralph E. Graber, Liberty Memorial High school, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Graber: ae é Thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending me two complimentary passes to your basketball games. I appreciate this very much, and shall avail myself of the opportimity to see the games whenever possible. With best wishes for a successful season, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. LIBERTY MEMORIAL HIGH SU ROOL LAWRENCE, KANSAS Neal M. Wherry, Principal (Capt., AUS; on leave) Ralph [. Graber, Acting Principal December 16, 1942 Dr. F.C. Allen 105 R. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Please find enclosed complimentary season tickets for our basketball games. We hope you will be able to attend at least part of the games. Sincerely yours, Rape Banter Ralph E. Graber 16928 -mle Ene. December 4, 1942. Mr. Dick Godlove, Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas. Dear Dick: I em very sorry that I have neglected answering your correspondence, but our physical conditioning course has bens: tee such te ettenys any Citation whatsoever in the rush. + tid Wile Oe cat i i With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coash. December 4, 1942. fo Whom It Mey Concern: 1 em very happy to recommend to you Mr. Richard Gedlove, athletic director at Ottawa University. Mr. Godlove is a graduate of the University of Iowa with a major in physical education. iI have known him for nine or ten years, during which time he has coached at Leavermorth High School and at Ottawa University. At both places he has had outstanding SUCCESS» : Godlove has taught his men to be particularly aggressive and at the same time they have been fine competitors, always keeping within the realm of clean apertemenships He is clean, courageous, loyal and dynamically positive eur te a respect and admiration. His character is of the best, and he is imbued with a pleasant and forceful personality. He is well-versed in the technique end the pedagogy of all team gemes and has the fine fumdamental knowledge of all gymmastic and contact games. a et ee toughening program at his college which is outlined by the . Army and Navy commands. I feel sefe in saying that in my opinion he will make a ne eee ee ee ee I am glad to recommend hin without reservation. ee Very sincerely youre, 7 Director of Physical Bdueation, POAAH Vareity Basketball Coach. O TTAWA, KANSAS Nia isimnbives hv. (oo ke a Cp 7 Oe Qo cine, sag he Shay [oop me Uisy Chas Uhay Mek sy le de gm — un rf - aud UT ca) eh ger aoe sad Hoey “ee GC he oe a ee a: ipo war fr get ak ma pops ay vcatlan, ~ hey wrt ove /UC oe oS (hyprct (laceber ” e. x a al br a le | Wwe — (en, CONC ath iy tpn | |. Ais Tae ne ae oVCes - ces ial hn veite, het ee A Boy rr OP pet if ink ; tu he en He a2eel Ot <-, z= «yt ple Pons, eee cee Oo Zen ee bn Kee ; care 5 frees ao ee Ee Cilla cl Cac leet oned Harm» ee to-eo Con Corsud, MiGs ee prof onthe het D haps toe arty ho December 7, 1942. Mr. Jack Griffin, Jr., 476 New Customhouse, Denver, Colorade. — Dear Jacks It is a pleasure to do this small job f i sincerely trust that this enclosed letter will get the job done. I was happy to imow t you are well acquainted with Dick Wells. Give him my regards. I see where President Roosevelt is going to discontinue the WPA, so I imagine Dick will get in something else. He would make a swell officer gandidate for the Marines. He is a tough guy and a fine leader. The Allens are all well, Thank you, Jack. Mit is here and is attorney for the Hercules 'owder Company. He graduated in law this summer. We came back from the ofl fields three years ago and went winter and swmer until he got his degree. vestigator, and then the assistant investigator got into a jem and Mit was promoted to that position. He lives at 2022 V Street. I know that he would be happy to hear from yous With all good wishes, I am Sincere ly yours, Director of Physical Education, POCA:AT 3 | Varsity Basketball Coach. Decexiber 8, 1942. Mr. Melvin Griffith, Athlivtic Direstor, Leng Beach Junicer Colleze, Leng Beach, California. \ My dar Mel: I tos indeed to have your letter of the 15th ultimo, and I am sincerely hoping that you get what you deserve, and that it will be the best. I will not write you a long letter, but I want you to be conscious of the fact that we will always be pulling for you one humd@red per scent, and I knew that you will deliver the goods. | Wishing you and yours the Yuletide greetings, I Sineserely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. LONG BEACH PUBLIC SCHOOLS LONG BEACH JUNIOR COLLEGE LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA November 15,1942 Dr.F.C.Allen Untiversity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens You don't know how much I appreciated your writing me such a humdinger of a letter . I am making application to the Marine Corps for a commission in the physical fitness program. The Lieutenant that looked over my papers and letters picked out your letter and put it on top of all of them and said,"We will put this one first,as it is worth more than all the others put together". He said,"That is a very fine letter and is the king pin of them all ".So thank you again for your cooperation in this cémmission abplication. I will let you know as soon as I find out anything definite.It will be about two months before I know whether it goes througy. The Colonel was very nice and said he would like to have me as he had a spot for me. Many things can happen on a deal like that, so all I can do is hope for the best and wait. In your letter you wrote Milton had had a good raise and was doing very well. I am glad for him and I know it means a lot to you to have him settled and working for something: lasting. | I noticed in the graduate magazine Bob was one of the honor students last year. That must be a thrill to have a son make such a fine record in your own school. Bob is a good boy and will do all right wherever he is located. The 18 year old boys are dropping out of our school every day and enlisting in some branch of the service they want. We ; have many who are in the reserve, so it will not seriously hurt our school this year. I can't predict what the effects will be a year from how. So far, we haven't curtailed our athletic program, but I fear the gas rationing will do that for ws before the year is over. We are planning to gooahead with our basketball season. I sta#t practice tomorrow. We have 8 miles to go to 4 gym, so that may have some influence on the number that will turn out this season. Since the quake we“fiad but one gym in Long Beach and all of us use it. That complicates things since the gas rationing will necéssitate using bus service and that will be difficult for many boys. Again, thank you for the fine letter. If I can be of any assistance to you at any time, please let me know. I'm wishing a very happy. Thanksgiving to you and Mrs. Allen. Mogt Sincerely, df December 12, 1942. Mr. Melvin F. Griffin, 55 Royereft Avenue, Long Beach, California. Dear Mel: I em very happy to respond te your letter _ which arrived this morning. I am enclosing the four copies, and hope this gets the job done for you. Lote of goed 1 Mel. : Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Versity Basketball Coach. Enc. XK December 12, 1942. Chief of Naval ee . a bey who had te work his way through college. He did not depend on his athletio prowess to obtain an easy job. This was not for him. Rather, he preferred the way to success through ie and through his own initiative and versatility. : When Melvin Griffin was a freshman I came in very cles contact with him, and had a close association through his four years in sollege. As Director of Athletics at that time I had many opportunities to witness : a ee After graduating from the University he coached high schools with. tun posed ab leiisucs oud Siceenan Keangas. I follewed his my sons played under hin. He led his men by the power of his personal- ity and clean and ferceful influence. From Lawrence liigh he went to Long Beach where he has made a most outstanding record. I am glad to write this testimonidl to his character, standing and efficiency. < pecans Dik Without yeserention er evnsion. Very sincerely yours, | : Direotor of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. LONG BEACH PUBLIC SCHOOLS LONG BEACH JUNIOR COLLEGE LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA December 10, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen birector of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: t am going to ask another favor of you, if you don't mind. It is necessary for me to have another letter of recommendation. Jl am wondering if you would mind just making a’copy of your last letter addressing it to Chief of Naval _ Personnel, Navy Department, Washington, D. Cc. I need a total of four copies, each written on ‘letterhead stationery and each copy signed. I am enclosing a copy of. your last letter and | a stamped self-addressed envelope. i really appreciate the time and energy you have spent in helping me with these applications. Yours in haste, and I will write you a newsier letter later. . Sincerely yours, MELVIN F. GRIFFIN MG: BJ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ~ LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION November 7, 1942, ) oe CE de. x \Zey-< g ( cer yo. > i" 5 if => 2 C34 ; 4 i ee j Ga kenge i Sf é ¥ 2 Lee j) ce i em very happy te commend to you Melvin F. Griffin, ethan Aresties anh teed ah Semy Sead Dede Galhawn, cous’ tees California. Melvin Griffin ie a graduate of the University of Kensas and was e star athlete in football, basketball and track aw“ = He was clean, — intelligent end cooperative. : : ier: sie oe Shin Wihisciatln, theen ec a denen lie was a bey who had to work his way through college. He did net de- pend on his athletic prowess te obtain an easy job. This was not for him. Heather, he preferred the way to success through struggle and threugh his own initiative end versatility. when Melvin Griffin was a freshmen I came in very clese contact with him, and had a close asseciation through his four years in college. As Director of Athleties at that time I had many opper- tunities to witness his leadership, and I might say at no time during these four years did he fail. After graduating from the University he coached high schools with fine success at McPherson and Lawrenee, Kansas. I follewed his ceaching success here in Lewrence with unusual interest because one of my sons pleyed under him. He led his men by the pewer of his personal- ity end clean and forceful influence. From Lewrence High he went to Leng Beash where he has made a most outstanding record. Griffin has the ability to insptre his men te unusual heights. I am glad to write this testimonial to his character, standing and efficiency. I recommend him without reservation or evasion. — Very sin yours, i ar rs Can \ > PCAsAH Varsity 5 11 Cé: Noverber 20, 19426 Mr. Thomas A. Gruver, Coach, Ghallow Water High School, Shallow Hater, Kensas. Dear Coach Gruver: i have received your letter of the 17th instant, and believe you are referring to my text "Better Basketball“. The other book, “My Hasketeahs Bible", has been owt of print Several yeeré. I wrote "Better Basketbeli" especially for the high sohool coach, and I believe you will find much in it that would be helpful to you in coaching your high school teame I am sending you some descriptive material which will give you an idea of the contents of the book. "Better Basketball" is published by McGraw-Hill Book Company of Hew York, and is sold by most leading athletic goods firms for $4.00. If you desire an autographed copy I wAdl De very aay Se Seat AS Oe son Semele Sa Paay® HF your cheek or money order for $4.00. _ Tem glad to know you were interested in our dasonstration at Dodge City last year. With best wishes for your success, I am Sincerely yours, 3 Director of Physieal Bducation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Shallow Water Consolidated Schools Shallow Water, Kansas November 17, 1942 pr. Forrest C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: If you have one available, I would appreciate having one of the books you call your’ Basketball Bible’ I was certainly interested in your demonstration at Dodge City last year and believe you are doing a fine piece of work as a basketball coach. I would like to brush up on your plays and valuable suggest- ions,so if you will please send me the little book I will gladly send you the price of it and postage. Vv truly ais omas A. Gruver, Coach Shallow Water High School October 13, 1942 Tulsa, Okla. Be Allens: : Just a note of thaiks for the fine letter of - -pecommendet ion you sent me. Such a letter and coming from you Dr. Allen, really makes me feel es though I might be doing some good in the business world. Doc, I heave been accepted as a Chief Petty Officer in the Physicel Eudcation program. The - progrem hes to do with the training and herdening of new recruits, ; I em to revort to Norfold Virginia on November 4, | Z.will be in training there for eight weeks and will be assigner to active duty from that base. - heve not made definite plens but expect eet ee Greves will remein in Tulsa or go with “me if I am assigned to shore duty. Again I want to thank you Doctor Atign: I really appreciated it. Best wishes, Pe comes Congratulations on the exsellent food served to the : ing of ow "mem | Cotton and lr, mooting. lungh, Mr. Kyle Givens, Rotel Dear Mr. Givens: Lawrence, Tansas. : We will than try to go over the details of the manu so that we can have it prepared ahead of schedule. Again thanking you fer your fine ovoperation, I am Very sinmporely yours, Direotor of Phyeiesl Education, Versity Basketball Coach. November 7, 1942. Mr. Melvin F. Griffin, _§5 Royere®t Avenues, Leng Beach, California. Dear Mel: | Just received your wire and I am immediately complying with your request. Nothing gives me more Pleasure than to do something for fellows like you. Lots of good luck’ Love to you and the wife. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, FPCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. : cam) WW er This is a full-rate | DL =Day Letter Telegram or Cable- i ram unless its de- SE ees A character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS NEWCOMB CARLTON _ J. C. WILLEVER Ship Rediogram CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT < De ee ee a: The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KBB42 23 NL=LONGBEACH CALIF NOV 6 : DR FC ALLEN: MP ‘UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE KANS= ‘PLEASE SEND TO ME LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION ADDRESSED To THE COMMANDANT U S MARINE CORP WA COPIES SIGNED THANK You= MELVIN F GRIFFIN. SHINGTON DC ALSO THREE THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS OONCERNING ITS SERVICE fa i uM a dh ‘es a ae th id ie «if ti i HH Pee i i Hae i i fi. wil i i Mat iit iff . 14 fi an iy ul Octeber 14, 1942. Mire Melvin Fs Griffin, 55 Reycreft Avenue, Leng Beach, Califernia. Dear Mel: You bet your life, Mel, I'll be mere than delighted te give you an A Number One recommendation. Your work has been most deserv- ing ef such a recommendation and I knew ef ne ene that I would rather do this service of pleasure for. I cem appreciate her swemped you must be in your werk. We are cevored up, but still kicking. Congratulations on your Winning the state chempionship last year in basketball. Champi Ge teke a toll because I see you have but ene sub-letter man to build your team around. Geed luck te YOu, Mel. x sae Shh seas tory See Ga Sead ts oh Se I certainly will not fail te cenvey your good wishes to Mrs. Allene ‘Bebby and Eleanor are beth at the University ef Pennsylvania and are getting along splendidly. Milten is assistant investigater for the Hercules Powder Company. Only last month he got a swell raise of £50.00 2 menth, so he has beught a new heme and really is on the way te build some durable satisfactions in the way of a heme and a family. Jane is married and was living in Chicage, but her husband enlisted and is new a flier at Pensacela. She is down there with him. Wary, with her three children, is living at Pale Alte, and ny brother, Col. BH. B. "Pete" Allen, is commandant at Pale Alse. If you vet Eek Gemeek Pan SAee Seek ee eee see yous Give sur leve te Virginia, and best wishes te youe Also give my sincerest regards te Bert Smith and tell him that I would like te shake his friendly paw. ‘ With all geed wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director ef Physical Education, | Varsity Basketball Coach. LONG BEACH PUBLIC SCHOOLS LONG BEACH JUNIOR COLLEGE LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA Royeroft Avenue vou Jeach,California October 7,1942 Dr.F.C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence,ansase Dear Dr. Allen : I had to send in an application blank in a hurry last week and didn't get a chance to ask you if 1 could use your name as a reference. I took the liberty of sending it in without asking you. I hope this is satisfactory with you. If it is and they should ask you for a letter of recommendation U hope it will not be too much inconveniense to you. They wanted some one in a position to judge my work at Lawrence High School. Since Supt. W.W.Curfman is deceased I would like to have you vouch for me. l thought since you were in Lawrence when 1 was coaching there and you knew of my record at K.U. and have had a gon under my supervision you would be one to ive a good account of my training and work. Besides 1 know of no one whose letter would carry more weight. You have had much more experience than 1 have and i find most of my correspondence just now is writing letters cf recommendation for boys I have had in school at one time or another,so 1 know you must be swamped with letters asking for recommendations. I will be | very grateful to you if they should call on you if you will send in a note for me. My status just now is #3-A but don't know just how long that will last. The Navy asked me to fill out and return an application blank last week so 1 did and it may bring something. I Hope so any way. Last evening I received one from the Army so I hcpe one of them will make up my mind for me. We are quite busy here with new emphasis on a physical fitness program in the L.B.school system. Our enrollment is down some but since we are requiring boys to take physical education four days per week our gym classes are very large. . We won the State championship in basket ball last year byt we will be on the short end of many scores this fs season I fear. I have one sub letter man to build my f ot team around,so you see that isnt much to tie to. Soh ee Give my regards to Mrs. Allen. Va. is not teaching this | year for which 1 am pleased. : a fs g $inecerely yours, ig Oh Ses Ostober 20, 1942. \ Mr. Frank Gilleece, Len : Executive Secretary, ataletie ee , Dear it. cA2eode: : Thank you very muh for your kihdmebe in sending | me one of your cards —— large" for. they year 19429436 4a f / i ie Sincerely yours, ; 4 1 | hy 4 ‘ Director of beaten Education, PCA:AH ce _ Varsity mereweat Coache ( . 1 if | é j j } [ ‘} , \ | ; { i cs : at | I { { | } | | t t ; SS a a ET esas i Sea M. F. AHEARN, CHAIRMAN KANSAS STATE COLLEGE F.G. WELCH, SECRETARY K. S. T. C. OF EMPORIA GWINN HENRY, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS FRANK GILLEECE, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY STATE OF KANSAS ATHLETIC COMMISSION TOPEKA October 15, 1942 Dr. Forrest C,..41 ten Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Enclosed is one of our official representa- tive cards designating you as inspector at large for the year 1942-43, Very truly yours, Pianh Eublevee Lex Gilleece oy) Executive Secretary rGr@rkG encle]