December 4, 1942. fo Whom It Mey Concern: 1 em very happy to recommend to you Mr. Richard Gedlove, athletic director at Ottawa University. Mr. Godlove is a graduate of the University of Iowa with a major in physical education. iI have known him for nine or ten years, during which time he has coached at Leavermorth High School and at Ottawa University. At both places he has had outstanding SUCCESS» : Godlove has taught his men to be particularly aggressive and at the same time they have been fine competitors, always keeping within the realm of clean apertemenships He is clean, courageous, loyal and dynamically positive eur te a respect and admiration. His character is of the best, and he is imbued with a pleasant and forceful personality. He is well-versed in the technique end the pedagogy of all team gemes and has the fine fumdamental knowledge of all gymmastic and contact games. a et ee toughening program at his college which is outlined by the . Army and Navy commands. I feel sefe in saying that in my opinion he will make a ne eee ee ee ee I am glad to recommend hin without reservation. ee Very sincerely youre, 7 Director of Physical Bdueation, POAAH Vareity Basketball Coach.