XK December 12, 1942. Chief of Naval ee . a bey who had te work his way through college. He did not depend on his athletio prowess to obtain an easy job. This was not for him. Rather, he preferred the way to success through ie and through his own initiative and versatility. : When Melvin Griffin was a freshman I came in very cles contact with him, and had a close association through his four years in sollege. As Director of Athletics at that time I had many opportunities to witness : a ee After graduating from the University he coached high schools with. tun posed ab leiisucs oud Siceenan Keangas. I follewed his my sons played under hin. He led his men by the power of his personal- ity and clean and ferceful influence. From Lawrence liigh he went to Long Beach where he has made a most outstanding record. I am glad to write this testimonidl to his character, standing and efficiency. < pecans Dik Without yeserention er evnsion. Very sincerely yours, | : Direotor of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.