UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ~ LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION November 7, 1942, ) oe CE de. x \Zey-< g ( cer yo. > i" 5 if => 2 C34 ; 4 i ee j Ga kenge i Sf é ¥ 2 Lee j) ce i em very happy te commend to you Melvin F. Griffin, ethan Aresties anh teed ah Semy Sead Dede Galhawn, cous’ tees California. Melvin Griffin ie a graduate of the University of Kensas and was e star athlete in football, basketball and track aw“ = He was clean, — intelligent end cooperative. : : ier: sie oe Shin Wihisciatln, theen ec a denen lie was a bey who had to work his way through college. He did net de- pend on his athletic prowess te obtain an easy job. This was not for him. Heather, he preferred the way to success through struggle and threugh his own initiative end versatility. when Melvin Griffin was a freshmen I came in very clese contact with him, and had a close asseciation through his four years in college. As Director of Athleties at that time I had many opper- tunities to witness his leadership, and I might say at no time during these four years did he fail. After graduating from the University he coached high schools with fine success at McPherson and Lawrenee, Kansas. I follewed his ceaching success here in Lewrence with unusual interest because one of my sons pleyed under him. He led his men by the pewer of his personal- ity end clean and forceful influence. From Lewrence High he went to Leng Beash where he has made a most outstanding record. Griffin has the ability to insptre his men te unusual heights. I am glad to write this testimonial to his character, standing and efficiency. I recommend him without reservation or evasion. — Very sin yours, i ar rs Can \ > PCAsAH Varsity 5 11 Cé: