Imith Center Public Schools VAUGHN E. McCOLEY, Superintendent Soese SMITH CENTER, KANSAS January 26, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allens: Basketball season at kK. Us. is always an occasion for rejoicing with me after three months of razzing about the football team. Some of the men here thought they had me this year before Christmas. Now I'm laugh- ing for I told them not to pass judgment on early season results. Frank Pattee, a freshman at K. U. from Smith Center, says you are using a different type of offense this year. I certainly hope I can get down for a game. I am coach of all athletics this year at Smith Genter and like coach- ing more as | go along. I don't care so much for teaching science, however. t believe I'd like teaching physical education and coaching much better. My football team this year was undefeated and we placed one man on the All- State Team, and one an honorable mention. This year's basketball season is going very poorly. We've lost five out of six ball games and may lose more. Last year's outfit that went to the State, after winning the Class A Regional, is sone. The entire start- ing line-up graduated and I have one boy who has had first team experience. The team is coming along, and the last two sames have been outstandirg defensively, but the boys cannot hit. Game averares from the field run about 15% or less. I am almost at wits end to know what to do about ite ft have tried various drill without a great deal of success--yet, some improvement may be forthcoming. If you could sugsest any particular drills for such weaknesses, I would appreciate them. One of the chief reasons for writing you at this time is to ask another recommendation from youe You have give me such splendid ones in the past-- I was hired here on the strength of your letter, and I want you to know how deeply I appreciate it. IT have made application to enlist in the Air Corps Army Reserve Corps as a Meteorological Aviation Cadet. My appearance before the examining board is immenent aid I need three letters of recommendation, concerning my ability to instruct ard handle men, I would azain be deeply indebted to you if you could oblige me with such a letter.