JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. January 19, 1943 Dr. Forrest Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: It has been some time since I bothered you, but I am back full time on the Athletic Journal, pinch hitting for John, Jr. while he serves in the navy. We have been devoting most of our space this fall to the kind of athletics the army and navy want, and, therefore, have digressed from | technique. We, however, want to return to the technique, since our se- ries of combat articles are about finished. I have this idea. Do you think it is a good one? Run a symposium written by the eight coaches whose teams took part in the N. ©. A. A. play-offs and final game last year, not a write-up of the tournament, but have each coach discuss his style of offense or defense as he may prefer, such as the "Conservative Fast Break" of Stanford, so designated by Everett Dean, the "Rotating Offense" of Colorado, the"Shoot and Run Offense" of Rice and the "Dribbling - Emphasized Offense" of Kentucky. You may think you have written so much for us that you haven't any- thing new to pass on, but an old offense with a new "catchy" name will do the trick. At any rate you must have something that others haven't to stay at the top of the "pack" year in and year out, for these many years. Please don't think I am insinuating you are an oldtimer, but you.were one of the first to write articles for us and I have been read- ing copy now for twenty-three years. I am enclosing a special delivery addressed envelope, asking you to advise me, by return mail, if you can write the short article within a few days. I won't be able to pay as much as in the past for these short articles, as our advertising is down very low, but we are strug- gling to keep the magazine alive, as long as John and I live, as it is a sort of much beloved child with both of us. Yours very truly, tf AKG: MA a Ke A e Ay arnaal