If eny one of these areas is open we will drive, pass and pivot to off to the side and pass beok to ons of the guards. The quarterback at this jumeture will say, “Set ‘an up", and all our offensive players will move into @ set position. The forwards will set themmelves in their respective corners will be in the offensive end of the court eight feet in front of the division signal, by word of mouth or gesture, the quarterback will call a play ani the entire teem will start in motion. e now start a game of basketball checkers. By quick sharp movenents one of the offensive players will move t « position that will permit him to screen off an opponent. The ball is passed quickly an effennive slayer wil merge 0 half s step ahead of die egpement. It is end in this way the player will be free enough for a cut toward the goal. When we are fast breaking we have a simple rule to follow: We draw six feet from each side line. If» player/is nearer the side line he dribbles or passes forward at a forty-five degree angle toward the center of the court to « temamte who is going down the center imginary line. ‘hen the player in the conter of the court has the ball he dribbles or passes out to the left or -five behind the tesmmnte to whom he passes. In this way the players pass at angles 1% fn not on easy thing to tench perfent tining and perfest parsing, but it is something thet «11 of us can aim at, and in this way we om clearly