a improve basketball offensive play. We use a great mmber of pass-outs when we resever the bail on our offensive backboard. it is perfectly obvious that the defense will flatten itself around the basket when the ball is passed in toward the basket. Therefore, with « good system of recoveries and passing out it is principle. It is a strate of mn for men and a strata of sone, and there is & transition from one to the other depending upon the pley situation. When two offensive nen start « screening play on our players we ewiteh, slide or trade opponents, which is exactly the principle the professionals play. te the defense. men to guerd and play those men until a screen by the opponents is attempted. Tt ie then that the player calis to his teammate, “Switch”, and our men take Personally I have been unable to see the reason for the objection of ony conch to © sine or mn te nm defense. Most teams awiteh from one to the other as the occasion demands. In football some sosches use a sone defense at times, and others use a man to man. He football coach objects to the other football coach using a certain type of defense, so why should « basketball eoach object to a defense used by a particular basketball coach. ‘The reason able to find paths that they can work through on a set defense. ‘There are