Commanding Officer, Parragut Training station, Farragut, Tdehe. My dear Sir: I am very happy te recemend Mrs. tasira|G1taaeh Gray, ‘a young woman with excellent training here at University ef Kensas, for your consideration as roerptionts¥ : ‘agin ug directer for the Navy recruits. Bet K { | I Miss Glidden graduated in 1926. She was sesiiley| ef her senier class at the University, and was alee Henerary Colenel ef the University R.O.T.C. She was a leader in many extracurricular activities and made a fine recerd. \ Sines her graduation che has doce excellent work in the field of physical education on the west coast. She Pn. sak 3s oy eee Wd fe sel ots kind. I am happy te recemuend her te yous Sincerely yours,