April 2, 1943. Mr. Ronald J. Gibbe, Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., 1601 8. Phillips Ave., Springfield, Illinois. Dear Roneld: IT have intended te write you for several weeks to tell you that we were pleased indeed to. have you in the games that you worked for us this years I perfectly understood why it was not possible for you to get to Omaha. Anyhow, we had but one of the regulars playing in that game, and we tock but eight men to Omaha as Unole Sam had cleaned out the rest of our 24 men before that game. All we tried to do was hold the seore down at Omaha, and I did not worry one iota about it because we could not have beaten thém with a lead pencil with eur substitutes in there. However, I do thank you for your explanation and trust that the world is good to you in the futures. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.