2 oe <3 oe me Gwen anes oe aren March 4, 19435 he s Eilers Washington University St. Louis, Missouri Dear Artie; When I returned from St. Louis, Tuesday night I received a wire from our Minneapolis Office stating that = superintendent was planning to come to Springfield, Friday morning with some Government men, and it was important that I be here. I immediately got busy to see if something couldn't be worked out whereby they coul eee this visit until Mondey. I worked on this all Wednesday morning, ard thepe was shine that I could poe aey do as these Government ad to be here sometime this week as they had made other plans for next week. rege I thoucht I could make plane connections so as to get back to Springfield by Priday morning, but found that there was no possible way that I could be in Omaha, Thursday night and be here in Sprinzfield, Priday morning. I had been looking forward to working this particular game, and I)was very disappointed that I had to send such a wire. I sincerely hope that you were able to make satisfactory arrancements, and got someone agreeable to both teams. If you were put to any additional expense let me know. Kind personal recards. Very truly yours,