February 17, 1942. Dr. Delio A. Gonzales, Director of the National School of Education, Apartado Mo. 1111, La Habana, Cubs. Dear Dr. Gonzalez: ‘Your letter of January 29th, which was first received by the Chancellor's Office, hes been referred to mo for reply. I am very happy to send you a pamphlet which has been prepared for the guidance of students who desire to mjor in our Department of Physical Education. The description of the courses will, I believe, cive ea ee ee this fi o If we oan help you further, 48 will be « pleasure to hear from you agains Very sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education and Recreation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Department of Romance Languages and Literatures January 29, 1942 Mr. James K. Hitt \a Assistant Registrar a University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Jim: I am sending to you the enclosed letter which I presume either you or the Chancellor's office sent on to me. I have prepared the enclosed translation for your information. You will see that the letter has nothing to do with this Department. Very truly yours, W.H.Shoemaker Chairman @ REPUBLICA DE CUBA MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION NEGOCIADO DE EDUCACION FISICA Y MENTAL PARA MENORES BALNEARIO INFANTIL MIRAMAR MARIANAO La Habana, Cuba, enero 21 de 1942. University of Kansas, Kansas, U. Se Ae Muy sefiores mios: La "Federal Security Ageficy U. S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION", de Washington me ha suministrado el nombre de esa Institucion como una de las que, en ese pais se dedican a la preparacion de profesores de Educacion Fisica. Estoy muy interesado en conocer la organizacion de ese establecimiento por lo que le ruego me suministre impresos sobre cur- sos de estudios, libros de texto, folletos, revistas, etc, relaciona- dos con este asunto. Al tanto de sus noticias, aprovectho la opnortunidad para ofrecerme de Uds. atto. Ss. 3S. Director de la Esc. Men. as Wducacién FWsica. Apartado No. 1111, La Habana, Cuba. pac/fr. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Department of Romance Languages and Literatures January 29, 1942 Translation of attached letter from the Department of Education of the Republic of Cuba University of Kansas Kansas U.S.A. Pear Sirs: The "Federal Security Agency UsS. OFFICE OF EDUCATION", of Washington has given me the name of your Institution as one of those which in your country are devoted to the pre- paration of teachers of physical education. I am very much interested in knowing the organization of your work in this field. I therefore beg you to send me your publications and printed matter deal- ing with courses of study, textbooks, pam- phlets, magazines, etc., relative to this matter. Awaiting information from you, I beg to remain, Very truly yours, Dr. Delio A. Gonzdélez Director of the National School of Education Adress: Apartado No. 1111, La Habana, Cuba February 11, 1942. Professor W. H. Shoemaker, Department of Romance Languages, — University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Shidiseiitere The Registrar's office has forwarded to me your translation of a letter from the Department of Bdusation of the Republic of Cuba in which they request printed ut ¢ CO physical education. Wie are happy to respond to their request, and I wish to thank you for your cow'teay in translating the letter. Very sincerely yours, a Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity — and Baseball Coach. Pobruary 21, 1942. Wr. James S. Guy, 512 Price St., St. Joseph, Mich. Dear lire Guys I em sorry for the delay in replying to your letter of Jammry 19th, but I have been in the throes of basketball coaching end administrative work. I have never tried to pick an All-American team. I might mention, however, that we have Ralph Willer who might be en same selections, and a sophomore, Charlie Black, who is a little too youmg for thet at the present time. Halph Miller has all the earmarks of qualifying for tit position. He is the leading scorer in the Big Six Conference, with an average of 14.6 points & game, and Charlie Black is second, with an average of lSe6s Miller was a star football player and attracted national recognition by his playing last fall. He is a graduate of Chanute, fensas, high school. i ‘ Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA sAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. February 21, 1942. Mad a ial i H a3 43 lates i a | if hi rite i id it ae if eS int : Ain” ) | if a + fy a I do believe that you could have had more help ‘tha® you received in this regard. Thanking you for your best efforts which I lmow were simere and bounteous, I am Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. PCAAH February 24, 1942. Yr, Joo Cilbart, Municipal Airport Restaurant, Kansas. City, Noe Dear Joe: Thank you for your kind letter of the 20th. I assure you it was a pleasure for me to attend the Founder's Day banquet - I enjoyed every minute of the time I was there. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, 7 Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Municipal Airport JOH GILBERT RESTAURANT KANSAS CITY, Mo. Forrest C Allen February Lawrence 20th Kansas 1942 I just wanted to drop you a belated note to tell you how much we enjoyed having you on the program the other night at the Founder's Day banquet. You were awfully nice to come,Phog, during your busy basketball season and we really appreciated it. In the meantime I hope your team goes through the rest of the season with out another single defeat--- I'll be up to see at least one of the games and I'll drop around to say "Hello", In the meantime, here's wishing you the best of luck. Jon “There Is Always Romance at the Airport” PILLSBURY FLOUR MILLS COMPANY MILLS AT MINNEAPOLIS - BUFFALO — ATCHISON, KAN.- ENIO, OKLA.- SPRINGFIELD, ILL. ASTORIA, ORE. SPRINGFIELD MILL GENERAL OFFICES MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 1601 East Phillips Ave. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. February 24, 1942 Dr. Forest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawerence, Kansas Dear Phog Thanks very much for you letter of February ... Daily Capacity of Su Plants GLENN (ol & FUEL COMPANY A AAR YA PS AT REO DA Reap ICE Glenn’s Germless Crystal Clear Taste-Free Cubes * * Air-Conditioned Ice Refrigerator Domestic — Commercial bs a FUELS Franklin County Springfield COAL * COKE * OIL — Distillate * * STOKERS * * GLENN SERVICE > “One Stop Does It All’ GASOLINE MOTOR OIL BULK PLANT * * TIRES ee (Distributors for West Central Illinois) SALES HEADQUARTERS 104 State Street 710 E. Fourth St. GENERAL OFFICE Phone 54 Phone 51 BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS March 18, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basket Ball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: After reading the paper this morning in which I read of your great game with A. & M., I received a telegram from John Buescher and the Basketeerse They have invited me to see them play against Colorado on Friday night, but since I am call by the U. S. Navy, it almost seems impossible for me to attende Regardless, be sure to give your former pupil another lessone Since leaving Lawrence I have placed myself on a rigid diet and excercise programe During the past three weeks I have lost 18 pounds, and now weigh 186; besides my rubber tire belt line has disappearede I certainly appreciated your writing Gene Tunney for mee At present the Navy Air Corps is in need of business executive material, consequently, my application is now on fit@, and I am waiting to hear from theme Will be thinking of you and the team on Friday and Saturday nights. On Friday, the 20th, I will be twenty-eight years old, and no other present would please me better than a victory over C. U. My best to Mrs. Allen, Mary, and family. Sincerely / 85 Tans — Daily Capa of Bee Plants Mr. Max B. Gardner, Spenish Fork, Utah. Deer Mr. Gardner: Thank you fer your kinl letter of lireh 20th. I appree- iate very much what you had to gay about our game with Colorado. tre had two chances to score, but the boys were over-anxious and nisse! a couple of shots under the basket. Ralph Miller, one of our aces, became very il] after our game with Oklahome Aggies, and was hardly able to play at all in the games with Colorado end Rice. But we are making no complaint. I say if you can't afford to lose, don't play. as keen « te aie Sees baeeds", ele 1 think you would find very valuable in your onsshing~ The book is published by McGraw-Hill and Company, end sells for $4.00. If you should desire an autographed copy I would be glad to send it to you postpaid upon receipt of your check or money order for $4. I am enclosing some deseriptive material to show you something of the contents of the text. We use both a fast break and a set offense. This fis exe opponent fest break, but when the defense 1s equal in number to the offense we set the plays up. Certainly, good mterial with good coaching produces good Be oe ane Sn es Settee, but we une the stratified With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rduceation and Recreation, FOALAH _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Spanish Fork, Utah. March 20, 1941 Dr. (Phog) Allen, Head Coach, Kansas University Dear Dr. Allen: We have heard a lot about your basketball teams around here and are following your teams progress in its game with Colorado University that is to be played sextant, I know that you abe a very busy man and feel out of place in asking you for the following information. However if you can find time in the near future I would like some information from you. We have heard so much of the basketball teams that you have turned out during your career as a coach that we would like some information concerning how you do it, Could you recomend to me a good pook from which to study the game of basketball from the coaching point of view, I understand you have written avery good book on this subject. Could you tell me where I could get one and what the cost gf your book is. Also would you mind telling us what kind of offense you use at Kansas and where we could get material on how you employ it. I hear so mich talk “ the use of plays verses the use of the fast break that 1 would like to know how you feel about these two systems, Can 4 coach develop a team with fair ability into a good ball club. You hear so much about the coach making the team--but it seems that one with good hei is at a dis~ tinet advantage. Would you recomend a zone defense for high schools. Is it possible in your opinon to teach high school boys plays that are used by college players. ae I realize that you do not have time to enswer everyone that writes on such tSifles but if you should have some spare time I would appreciate what information you would be willing to give. I am teaching a bunch of young boys and I promised them that I would write to you and get a statement from you if possible on the procedure to follow for a young boy who wishe@ to become a basketball player. We are all hoping that you will be able to beat Colorado U. tonight as it seems to us they are a bunch of very poor sports, A few of us traveled some distance to see them play Brigham Yong University a 2hile back and found that they were very poor sports and seemed to be led by their Coach Mr, Cox. Maybe we were prijadice but at any rate we are hoping for a defeat for them. Hoping for some kind of answer I remain, Yours very truly 4, oe 7 Max B, Gardner { ; : | j : : ; ; j 4 i ; - March 30, 1942. \ Mr. Joe Gilbert, . Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Joe: e it was awfully nice of you; Joe, to write mo as you did. I appreciated greatly your fine letter and T assure you it makes me feel mibhty good. I did uot see the piece in the paper, but you can bet that on any team I have picked I would not leave off Faul Endasott, Charlie Black, Tus Ackerman, et MS See * Merve Oe ering alang wih Bo Again, many thanks. Fraternally, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. im F a. s i bs ¢ é 2 eet ae eee Ss bist Oe sd si Municipal Airport RESTAURANT KANSAS CITY, MO. Mr Forrest C Allen Mar ch University Of Kansas 27th Lawrence Kansas, 19426 Ever since I saw your team in action ,Phogs at the Auditorium last Saturday night ; I have intended to drop you a little note of commendation or whatever you want to call it for the usual good team you al- ways have year after year. But further than that I want to sincerely congratu-~ late you for the wonderfull and enviable record you have made in your years of coaching at K U. I have never gone to see any one of your teams play but . what I was fully entertained. 4 was also interested to note in the pa- per who you thought were the best players that had played under you at KU. I too would have picked Endacott-Black-Bobby Allen and Tus Ackerman, I hope in the years to’'come that your teams will go on ringing the bell of the championship doors as I know they will. Congratulat= you again as the "world's greatest basket- ball coach" and wishing you always the very best of good wishes, I am; Cordially y ? S» JOE GILBERT 71 U ay “There Is Always Romance at the Airport” March 31, 1942. Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. March 19, 1942 Dodge City, sansas Dre F.C. Allen Lewrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I'm a little late sending to you my congratulations on your "25th" coaching anniversary. WNever-the-less, I thought ebout you and couldn't help being very much impressed with the unusual unusuel record that you have run up. I couldn't help but think, ‘how does he do it, year in and year out." I also want to congratudate you on winning another Big Six title, and the N Ov As As play-offs. I certainly would like to see your team in action ageinst the (other Kansas) team, which you play Friday night. It should be an outstending game. I ceén't help but think now much you thought of Frosty Cox, when he was in school at x.U., and how much elike in neture you two fellows g6re. I understand that you two néve hed some differences of opinion? I know it doesn't concern me, but I do think its too bed you two don't forget your little individual differences and get togetner sgain. I'm teking a load of boys to Topeka tomorrow to see the semi-finels and finéls of the State tomnmnement. I thought perhaps that I would go on to iansas City saturday and see the finals of the N.C.A.A Then I will get to see the Jayhawks in action again. Will it be hard to get tickets to the géme? This is not a touch, but could I entice you in to using your influence in helping me obtein some tickets? WF would @ppreciate it if you could. Just heard that Newton beat Dodge in the State tournéement 45 to B87. - Poo dad. a ma Fac Yours truly, ne ys a ew eres wv : ra Dorel Grose April 4, 1942. Mire Ronald J. Gibbs, Pillsbury Flour Millis Co., 1601 East Phillips Ave., Springfield, Illinois. Dear Ronalds Thay WAX) belatedly acloviindgn yous good lather of March 18th. I assure you that we were happy to have you in our Oklehoma Aggie - Kansas game. You and Ab Curtis make a fine pair of officials. Yes, I did think the Aggies were much more careful on the traveling aspect in the last game. I see no reason why coaches and officials in an important contest should not get together and discuss the things like Henry Iba and I discussed with you and Ab. Wany times I believe that much good is accomplished. Certainly nothing unfriendly took place, and I am swe that your official's work waa made much more satisfactory by this experience. With continued good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, . POA AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache PILLSBURY FLOUR MILLS COMPANY MILLS AT MINNEAPOLIS - BUFFALO —- ATCHISON, KAN.- ENID, OKLA.- SPRINGFIELD, ILL.- ASTORIA, ORE. SPRINGFIELD MILL GENERAL OFFICES MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 1601 East Phillips Ave. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. March 18, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog; I arrived back in Springfield safely this morning, and I certainly appreciated very much the opportunity of officiating in your game last night. It certainly was a pleasure to work for two swell basketball teams like Kansas, and the Aggies. My very best wishes to you, and your team in the games this week end. Ronald J. Gibbs RJG:MES cf ne >: septaieemnceemele. : kasd risk T. ane ie — 7 Z April 6, 1942. Gr. Theno F. Graves, Lawton, Oklahone. Dear Theno: | ; Wher I was in Oklahoma City your letter of February 24th arrived at my office too late to be forwarded to me. However, I did appreciate it, and enjoyed seeing you down there. With best wishes, end appreciation for your loyalty, I am Very si neerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, POA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. | Lawton, Okla Feb. 24, 1942 Dr. F.C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Hello Doe I hope you won't feel that this letter is out of place but I wanted to pass on some information that might be @ some value to you. You see Doc I want to be able to say “I helped beat Oklahoma" after your Friday's night game in Norman. I appreciate that you have probably seen Oklahoma play since Tuckér is in the lineup but I was With Elwyn Bees and Lewandowsky in Nowman for that game a week ago and this is the comment Lewandowsky made after the game. If I had played two men on Tucker and sandwiched him I believe that we might have won. Tucker in that particular game p&ayed directly below the goal and they would work the ball into him and he hit about 60% of this pot shots. Mrs. Graves and I will be there yelling for you Doe, as always. I will be more than glad to chart the shots of both teams if you want me to. I will try to see you on the sideline just prior to game time to see if I can help Kansas beat Oklahoma, At the Nebraska-Oklahoma game I charted shots for Nebraska and the crowd around me thought I was scouting for Kansas and they made it plenty hot for me. After the game I was on the floor and nearby were some of the OU players. They were yelling "Bring on Dr. Allen and his boys, We're ready for tem." Give Mrs. Allen our kindest regirds, Verty truly yours April 16, 1942 ‘Mr. Bill Guilfoil 5906 El Monte Mission, Kansas Dear Mr. Guilfoil: : A summer session catalogue will come to you as soon as it is off the press, I am referting your letter about physical education work to Dr. Forrest C. Allen, head of the Physical Education Department. You will hear from him soon. You can take typing for cart of your elective hours, Sincerely yours, George Baxter Smith Director MR THB 5906 ElMonte, Mission, Kansas April 9, 1942 RegVstrar, Summer Session University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I am writing to thank you for the booklet you sent me on Summer session work and will appreciate it very much if you will send me the new booklet April 10th when it is issued. I want all the information I can possibly obtain on Physical Education work. Could I also take typing along with this work? Have had one year of typing but want some advanced typing work too. thank you for your kindness and attention. Yours very truly, BILL GUILFOIL Nay 6, 1942. Dr. A. E. Garrison, Colegio Americano Para Varones, Apartado 35 - Aereo 3604, Bogota, Colombia, S. As Dear Dr. Garrison: I beg your pardon for the long delay in responding to your kind letter of February 24th. Our basketball season did not end at the normal time, and since then I have been covered up with teaching and administrative work. We tied with Oklahoma for the Big Six championship, but our defensive- offensive ratio was better, so we were selected to play the Oklehome Aggies to determine the Fifth District representative in the N.C.AA. playoff. We defeated then in a close game in Kansas City. Then we met Colorado on March 20 and lest to them by two points, and the same night Stanford defeated Rice. The next night Stanford defeated Colorado by about 11 points, and we defeated Rice by two points. About the middle of Yarch Dr. Elbel was called for Service as associate director of physical training in. the Army Air Force, and I took over a couple of his classes. Gur enrollment is dowm about 12%, and the University authorities expect a further decrease next year. However, I believe the Summer Session will be very well attended. The campus is thinning out perceptibly when we look for the male members of the families. You ask about Relph Miller. At the close of the basket- ball season he became ill with lobar pneumonia and has been in the hospital for several weeks. He is out now, however, and is attending classes, but it will be several mouths before fe will be himself again. an pl: Wt cae la ick es cae es es the Goal-Hi rule book. Inmediately upon receipt of your other letter I wrote the Medart People in St. Louis, asking them to send you one. To make sure that you get a copy I am enclosing one that I have here in the office, and trust that it will not be too late to be of benefit to you. With kindest regards to you and your fine family, I em Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ae ronraaraess ay RAT yeh sas arcs SAILS. oP einen ora Sak Saige 7 pees Ms sg autres . wis ta “th CoLeGcio AMERICANO PARA VARONES CALLE 20 No. 9-37 APARTADO 35 — AEREO 3604 TeLcecramas: -AMERVARON”’ BOGOTA - COLOMBIA i Feb. 24, 1942. Dr. ¥. GC. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: In accordance with your request in your letter of Dec. 3 last, I wish to say that I have not received the Goal-Hi Rules Book which you stated in this letter you had requested the Fred Medart Manufacturing Co. to send to me. I hesitate to bother you further about this matter but I am anxious to get this book so that we may start this game here. We have so few games and so little space to use for games that I am interested in getting games that will fit into the space we have and this is one which we can use. If there is any way to register this book so that I shall be sure to receive it I shall be glad to pay the charges of the same. Or, if there is any other expense connected with getting this book to me I will be glad to pay it. Since writing to you before our school year has begun with a larger enrollment thah at any time before. Our matricula and tuition is quite high but in spite of this. they come to us and pay for the privilege of learning. I have heard nothing about the progress of your basket ball team this year. How are the boys doing? I am particularly interested in Miller. Is he doing himself proud this year? And how are the promising boys from Kansas City? Are they doing as well as you had expected? How many games have you won in the Big Six so far this season? What team is your greatest rival? How have you fared outside the Big Six? Has the war affected the attendence at K.U. this year? Has it affected your basket ball team? While you may be having cold weather there we have perpetual spring here. We are eating fresh vegetables, and fruits and have fresh flowers each day to decorate our home. All kinds of flowers are grown here and sell quite cheap. Even orchids of the best kind are about $1.00 per dozen. In some parts of Colombia they are two cents each, I am told. Gorgeous roses, carnations and other kinds of flowers are sold for a few cents each. Why don't you and Mrs. Allen take a vacation next summer and visit Colombia? I am sure we could interest you in sights here. We have mountains in this country that are higher than any you can find anywhere in the U.S. We also have scenery that would thrill you both. We have golf courses for your recreation and Skiing in snow in some of our mountains the year round. Does that sound interesting? Hoping to hear from you at your earliest convenience, I am, Sincerely yours, og clas Coboubia, ’.G: June 19, 1942. Liberty Memorial High Sehool, Lene, Kansas. Dear Ralphs ee i Gi ls: ees tai 4s es ee there in your high school print shop, and just now I ee et Sone quotation from Peary, "I will find e way or make one". : Keep up the geod works Sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Bdueation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.