Nay 6, 1942. Dr. A. E. Garrison, Colegio Americano Para Varones, Apartado 35 - Aereo 3604, Bogota, Colombia, S. As Dear Dr. Garrison: I beg your pardon for the long delay in responding to your kind letter of February 24th. Our basketball season did not end at the normal time, and since then I have been covered up with teaching and administrative work. We tied with Oklahoma for the Big Six championship, but our defensive- offensive ratio was better, so we were selected to play the Oklehome Aggies to determine the Fifth District representative in the N.C.AA. playoff. We defeated then in a close game in Kansas City. Then we met Colorado on March 20 and lest to them by two points, and the same night Stanford defeated Rice. The next night Stanford defeated Colorado by about 11 points, and we defeated Rice by two points. About the middle of Yarch Dr. Elbel was called for Service as associate director of physical training in. the Army Air Force, and I took over a couple of his classes. Gur enrollment is dowm about 12%, and the University authorities expect a further decrease next year. However, I believe the Summer Session will be very well attended. The campus is thinning out perceptibly when we look for the male members of the families. You ask about Relph Miller. At the close of the basket- ball season he became ill with lobar pneumonia and has been in the hospital for several weeks. He is out now, however, and is attending classes, but it will be several mouths before fe will be himself again. an pl: Wt cae la ick es cae es es the Goal-Hi rule book. Inmediately upon receipt of your other letter I wrote the Medart People in St. Louis, asking them to send you one. To make sure that you get a copy I am enclosing one that I have here in the office, and trust that it will not be too late to be of benefit to you. With kindest regards to you and your fine family, I em Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.