AN ACT AUTHORIZING CITIES AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO OPERATE SYSTEMS OF PUBLIC RECREATION AND PLAYGROUNDS AND LEVY TAXES FOR THE ESTAB- LISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF, Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Kansas: Section 1, Any city or school district may operate a system of public recreation and playgounds, acquire equipment and maintain land, buildings or other recreational facilities, employ a super- intendent of recreation and assistants, vote and expend funds for the operation of such system, : Section 2, Any city or school district may operate such system independently or they may cooperate in its conduct in any manner in which they may mutually agree, or they may delegate the opera- tion of the system to a recreation board created by any or all B® CMM X MOK of them, Provided, however, that such recrea- tion system shall not be conducted by both the city and school district independently. | Section 3, Any municipal corporation or board civen charge of the recreation system is authorized to conduct its activities on -(1) property under its custody and management; (2) other public property under the custody of other municipal corporations or ‘boards and with the consent of such corporations or boards; (3) private property with the consent of the owners, Section 4, Whenever a petition signed by at least five (5%) per- cent of the qualified and registered voters in such city or school -Adistrict shall be filed with the clerk thereof, requesting the governing body of such city or school district to provide, estab- lish, maintain and conduct a supervised recreation system and to ‘levy an annual tax for the conduct and maintenance thereof of not to exceed one-half of one (1) mill on each dollar of assessed _ valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits | or jurisdiction of such city or school district, it shall be the duty of the governing body of such city or school district to cause the question of the establishment, maintenance and conduct of such supervised recreation system to be submitted to the quali- fied voters thereof to be voted upon in the next regular or special election unless such petition shall have been filed at least thirty ' (30) days prior to the date of such election, Section 5, Upon the adoption of such proposition by a majority of those voting on it at said election, the governing body of such city or school district shall by appropriate resolution or ordi- nance provide for the establishment, maintenance and conduct of such supervised recreation system as they may deem advisable and practicable to provide and maintain out of the tax money thus voted, And’ said governing body may designate by appropriate re- selution or ordinance the board or commission to be vested with the powers, duties and obligations necessary for the establish- ment, maintenance and conduct of such recreation system, as pro- vided for in this action. : Section 6, The governing body of such city or school district adopting the provisions of this act at an election and until re- voked by an election by a majority of the qualified voters thereof ghall thereafter annually levy and collect the tax above set out, which tax shall be designated as playground and recreation fund and shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general tax for such city or school district; said tax to be in addition to all other levies provided for such city or school district. Section 7, This act shall take effect and be in force from and. after its publication in the statute book,